Target spot in cotton crops
By Luiz Gonzaga Chitarra, Wirton Macedo Coutinho and Fabiano José Perina (Embrapa Cotton)
By José Roberto Salvadori (UPF and Embrapa Wheat); Alberto Luiz Marsaro Júnior (Embrapa Wheat); Crislaine Sartori Suzana-Milan (UPF); Douglas Lau (Embrapa Wheat); Eduardo Engel (Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture); Mauricio Paulo Batistella Pasini (consultant); Paulo Roberto Valle da Silva Pereira (Embrapa Forests)
With exclusive distribution technology, the Accura 8.0 HD, from Kuhn, has an eight thousand liter fertilizer tank, pneumatic suspension and track widths that can vary between 2,80 and 3,50 meters
By Crébio José Ávila (Embrapa Western Agriculture); Charles Martins de Oliveira (Embrapa Cerrados); Suélen Cristina da Silva Moreira (Chapadão Foundation); Rodolfo Bianco (Paraná Institute for Rural Development); and Marco Antonio Tamai (Bahia State University)