Cultivar Magazine Privacy Policy

As a rule, we do not store personal data of those who access our website or applications.

However, they will be collected and stored if the person chooses to receive our free newsletter. In this case, we will only store and we will use the information for the requested shipping. There will be no -- in any hypothesis! -- sharing this data with third parties. The data will be kept in our system while used.

In the case of people who subscribe to our magazines, we will store the data provided. They will be used exclusively for sending magazines and making the relevant charges. In no way In this case, we will share this data with third parties. The data will be kept in our system while used.

The storage and use of data is carried out in accordance with the Brazilian legislation. For data protection, we use security measures -- technical and administrative -- appropriate, considering reasonableness in specific case.

If you have any questions or requests of any kind, please contact us. us via email: