Soy and rice increase productivity in more than 80% of trials carried out with ideal nutrition

Work promoted by Yara in Brazil reinforces the importance of macro and micronutrients for plant quality and productivity

26.04.2024 | 15:44 (UTC -3)
Lygia Conde
Photo: Disclosure
Photo: Disclosure

Soy and rice crops are very important for the Brazilian table and for national agriculture. However, producers face major challenges in growing these grains, such as correct soil management and climate change. Work carried out in Brazil by Yara, a world leader in plant nutrition, shows that adequate nutrition is a great ally for the farmer in the good development of plants and the formation of healthy flowers and fruits.

The macronutrients demanded in greatest quantities by plants are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. However, calcium, magnesium and sulfur are also elements that plants need in high quantities. The main micronutrients in Brazilian soil conditions are boron, molybdenum, copper, zinc and manganese. Furthermore, there is greater nutritional efficiency if the components are in the appropriate proportion in each fertilizer granule and in forms available for immediate absorption by the crop.

In Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, tests with rice, through Yara's MaisArroz program, showed an average increase in productivity of 12,9 bags per hectare, with a 100% success rate in comparative tests. The program, which encompasses the YaraBasa, YaraVera and YaraVita lines, promotes better rooting, more uniform farming, high production potential and greater grain filling and quality.

In relation to soybeans, tests on crops in Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul showed an average increase in productivity of 6,7% bags/hectare with the SuperSoja program, and a success rate of 89% in comparative tests. Considering Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, the gain in productivity reached 4,1 bags/hectare, with a success rate of 83%. The SuperSoja program features the YaraBasa lines, with 7 to 9 nutrients in each fertilizer granule, YaraVita and allows balanced nutrition, in addition to better rooting, greater grain filling and resistance to stress.

LS Tractor February