XV South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting takes place in September, in Passo Fundo (RS)

Climate change will be topics of debate during the program; The event is organized by Embrapa and partners

25.04.2024 | 15:21 (UTC -3)
Joseani M. Antunes
Photo: Junia Alencar
Photo: Junia Alencar

Soil management is a constant challenge for agricultural production, especially in the face of climate change. In recent years, grain production in the South Region has suffered from opposing scenarios: drought in the summer and excess rain in the winter. The adverse effects of the climate are mobilizing researchers who look to the soil for ways to mitigate losses in agriculture. The subject will be the topic of discussion at the XV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting, which will take place in Passo Fundo, RS, from September 15th to 17th.

The central theme chosen for the XV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting is “Sustainability of the Soil-Plant System”. According to the event's promoters, through the Southern Regional Center of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science, there has been a growing interest among soil scientists in improving the quality of the production system, as well as ensuring the sustainability of the agriculture that is being practiced. 

Studies aimed at storing carbon in the soil with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, new more efficient fertilizers with less environmental impact, are results that are constantly being improved by soil science. Strategies that store carbon in the soil also contribute to improving the physical and biological quality of the soil, reducing erosion and increasing the availability of water to plants. 

“The Meeting is a space to expand knowledge of the set of agricultural practices that affect soil properties and the sustainability of agriculture. In addition to sharing scientific knowledge, the event also intends to improve the perception of soil scientists, extensionists, consultants, farmers and students regarding the importance of the soil-plant system for the sustainability of agriculture”, explains agronomist Pedro Escosteguy , from the Organizing Committee of the XV Meeting.

Far beyond theory

The program of the XV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting is divided into lectures and presentation of scientific works (posters and panels at the UPF Events Center), followed by field activities and conversation circles to exchange experiences between participants ( experimental field at UPF and technological showcase at Embrapa Trigo).

For the student audience, a pre-event program was prepared: the VI South Brazilian Solo Competition. The activity will be coordinated by the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), on the 13th and 14th of September, bringing together undergraduate and postgraduate students in the challenge of identifying the different soil profiles in trenches opened in the field, in addition to expanding the perception in the soil-landscape relationship of the analyzed profiles. 

“The objective of the competition is to encourage students to become more involved with soil science, reinforcing that soil is the basis of agriculture and if there is no good management and conservation of this resource, the production of food and other ecosystem services provided by the soil they are compromised”, says Embrapa Trigo researcher, André Amaral.

Agenda - the complete schedule of the XV South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting and the VI South Brazilian Soil Competition is on the website www.rsbcs2024.com.br. The deadline for submitting scientific papers is June 2nd.

LS Tractor February