Cooxupé distributes more than R$100 million to cooperative members

Coffee cooperative announced results during the Ordinary General Assembly; distribution value refers to leftovers

28.03.2024 | 15:03 (UTC -3)
Cooxupé, Cultivar Magazine edition
Photo: Disclosure
Photo: Disclosure

At an Ordinary General Assembly held this week, the Regional Cooperative of Coffee Growers in Guaxupé (Cooxupé) presented its annual balance sheet and announced the distribution of R$ 101,4 million to cooperative families referring to the leftovers from 2023. The leftovers refer to the result of R$286,8 million and revenue of R$6,4 billion achieved last year. 

Receiving and shipments

In 2023, Cooxupé received 6,5 million bags of Arabica coffee, of which 5,3 million came from more than 19 thousand cooperative members with production in the South and Matas de Minas, Cerrado of Minas Gerais and Middle Mogiana of the state of São Paulo.

In relation to shipments, the result shows 4,5 million bags sent to domestic and foreign markets, of which 3,6 million were destined for exports to 50 countries, including the United States, Germany, Belgium, China, among others. . SMC Specialty Coffees, a specialty coffee company from Cooxupé, shipped 154.885 bags for this niche market, of which more than 138 thousand corresponded to exports.

Roasted and ground coffees

The Cooxupé roasting industry also presented results within expectations, maintaining the 6th position among coffee manufacturers in Brazilian retail, in volume sales (kg), according to data from the Retail Index, Nielsen IQ. Last year, the cooperative's roasting plant processed more than 280 bags of raw coffee, resulting in 13.862.578 kilos of coffee produced.

Profile of members

Cooxupé's membership has more than 19 thousand members. Family farming remained predominant in the profile of associated producers, of which 96,7% are mini and small coffee farmers who, together, represent 59,7% of the cooperative's coffee receipts.

Safe and sustainability

Still in 2023, Cooxupé brought yet another innovation to its business with the opening of its own company to offer insurance to its members, aiming to protect coffee plantations, agricultural properties, as well as other needs such as, for example, life, residential, vehicles, etc.

The Generations Protocol, Cooxupé's own sustainability program, was launched to the global coffee community during the 9th Coffee Dinner & Summit, in May 2023.

Technical assistance to the producer

Cooxupé's team of agronomists and agricultural technicians provides free technical assistance to members throughout the year. In 2023, the department provided 996 services in group activities such as Field Day, training, lectures, among others, impacting more than 55 thousand participants. More than 117 thousand services were also provided to producers, including visits by professionals to the field and to the cooperative's service centers.

“We are very pleased with the results achieved in 2023, especially given the challenges we faced, including the issue of coffee prices. However, we managed to achieve our goals and return a significant amount of surplus to the cooperative member. It is worth remembering that cooperative families receive payment according to their participation and loyalty with Cooxupé and these aspects were decisive in achieving such results. We thank our producer for their trust and our team of collaborators who tirelessly work for the constant development of our cooperative families”, highlights the president of Cooxupé, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues de Melo.

Mosaic Biosciences March 2024