Credenz® soybean seeds complete 10 years in Brazil

Since its first year of production in 2014, the brand's successful trajectory has been distinguished by the integration of research, genetic development and strategic production with high quality.

06.03.2024 | 17:01 (UTC -3)


Credenz®, BASF's verticalized soybean seed brand, celebrates a decade of operation in Brazil in 2024. With its first year of production in 2014, the official launch of the brand only came in 2016 during the 17th Edition of Expodireto Cotrijal, in the city of Não-Me-Toque (RS). The successful trajectory of the Credenz® brand stands out for the integration between research, genetic development and strategic production with high quality. This process aims to deliver soybean seeds to the farmer with high germination rates, vigor and an advantageous benefit-cost ratio.

Hugo Borsari, Marketing Director for Agriculture Solutions at BASF, explains that the system is based on three pillars:

• very high productivity for the farmer, what requires the company to invest in research and genetics in various regions of the country;

• seed quality, result of the action of fifteen seed production units in Brazil and three fully refrigerated distribution centers;

• service level, with partners working in the logistics network to deliver the product when the farmer needs it and with technicians monitoring the entire process.

In this way, the Credenz® brand differentiates itself in the market due to its commitment to quality and innovation. BASF offers seeds that guarantee not only excellent germination and vigor, but also superior productivity and profitability for the farmer. The benefit versus cost relationship is one of the brand's pillars, ensuring that investment in high quality seeds translates into a significant increase in production potential.

And what is meant by seed quality? This is a set of characteristics that include proof of genetic origin and condition in terms of health, physical aspects and development. The quality of the seeds directly depends on the growing environment. In turn, the main objective of the processing process is to standardize the batch of seeds. This batch is made up of seeds that share characteristics such as type, category, harvest time, place of cultivation, size, shape, treatment...

Hugo Borsari, Marketing Director for Agriculture Solutions at BASF
Hugo Borsari, Marketing Director for Agriculture Solutions at BASF

The process that ensures quality in the production of Credenz® soybean seeds includes seed analysis in eight stages: pre-harvest, harvest, reception, drying, processing, storage, tests after industrial seed treatment and tests in the pre-processing phase. expedition. In these stages, more than 35 tests take place until the batch of seeds is dispatched, which guarantees high physical, physiological, sanitary and genetic quality.

To meet the diverse needs of Brazilian farmers, BASF offers a wide portfolio of seeds, carefully tested and approved for different regions of the country, ensuring that each farmer finds the most suitable option for their crop. Furthermore, under the Credenz® brand, the company offers the most effective biotechnologies on the market, contributing to the advancement and protection of crops.

Logistics is also a strong point of BASF. There is an entire transport system using short and safe routes, refrigerated storage and delivery of seeds at the right time for planting, says Borsari. “This care with logistics ensures that the seeds reach the farmer in ideal conditions, maximizing the potential of each harvest”, says the Director.

Another differentiator, one of the most innovative features of Credenz® soybean seeds, is the IPC - Credenz® Precision Index. Based on this index, an ideal rate of seeds per meter planted is recommended, allowing for more precise sowing planning and better establishment of the plant stand. The IPC offers detailed information on each batch of seeds, facilitating the adjustment of planting equipment and eliminating the need for seedbed tests. The index can be accessed via "QR Code" printed on seed packaging or via the brand's website (

For the next 10 years, Borsari explains that BASF's goal is to maintain quality and create even more value for Brazilian farmers, contributing to the legacy of those who help feed the country and the world.

Find out more about Credenz varieties by clicking on link.

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