The Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources (Semarh) informs that the new models for the request to change the technical responsible and the request for cancellation of the Tocantins Rural Environmental Registry (CAR-TO) are now available on the website, through the address
According to Semarh's Environmental Information and Intelligence Management, from next Monday, the 28th, the new application models will be accepted, only with the signatures of the owner and the technical responsible.
To download the new application models, the interested party simply access the item Miscellaneous Documents in the CAR option, in the Menu on the Authority page.
New models
In the new Request for Change of the Technical Responsible Person, in addition to the data of the CAR-TO owner, such as name, CPF, filling in the fields indicating the CAR State Number, Old Registrant and CPF, New Registrant and CPF, the document becomes require the signature of the owner and the new responsible technician, both notarized, the same applies to the Cancellation request.
For more information about CAR-Tocantins, Semarh's Environmental Information and Intelligence Management provides the telephone number (63) 99936-0079 (messages and calls) and the email address
The CAR is a nationwide electronic public registry, mandatory for all rural properties, with the purpose of integrating environmental information on rural properties and possessions, composing a database for control, monitoring, environmental and economic planning.
Established by Law 12.651/12, the CAR aims to promote the identification and integration of environmental information on rural properties and possessions, aiming at environmental planning, monitoring, combating deforestation and environmental regularization.
In Tocantins
In the territory of Tocantins, the CAR has the Information System for the Management of the Rural Environmental Registry (Sigcar-TO), based on cutting-edge geotechnology, which guarantees agility, digital security and transparency for the preparation of the CAR in the State.
This system aims to receive rural properties and analyze the situation of the Legal Reserve, Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), and areas destined for land use at the rural property scale.