Procafé Foundation Field Day in Franca will show the efficiency of using drones in the coffee plantation

Event takes place on the 24th, from 8 am, at the Experimental Farm; entry is free

19.04.2024 | 13:36 (UTC -3)
Ana Luiza Silva
Photo: Wilker Maia
Photo: Wilker Maia

On Wednesday, April 24, Franca welcomes coffee producers, technicians and agronomists for another edition of the Procafé Foundation Field Day. The event takes place from 8 am, at Fazenda Experimental de Franca (Avenida Doutor Sidney Romeu Andrade, 2750, Jardim Marambaia) and has free entry. Interested parties must register in advance via the official website ( or on site. A donation of one kilo of non-perishable food is also requested. 

The Field Day aims to demonstrate, in practice, new technologies for coffee growing that were tested in experimental plots on the farm. Participants also have the opportunity to update themselves on recommendation guidelines for coffee crops and interact with service providers and product companies in the agricultural segment. 

“We expect the presence of more than a thousand participants, including the engineer and technician who assist the coffee producer, researchers, coffee growers, leaders and authorities linked to the coffee sector from different regions”, reveals Marcelo Jordão Filho, agronomist researcher at the Experimental Farm from the Procafé Foundation.  

The program will feature the presentation of four themes generated through research work carried out by the Procafé Foundation, in addition to practical visualization of the plants in the experimental plots. 

According to the organization, the Field Day in Franca will address the management of fertilization and rust in the zero harvest pruning system, the results of cultivar competition and the use of drones in coffee farming. 

“The event starts with breakfast, then groups are formed for visits and we head to the field. Each group goes to a researcher who explains the results of that field station. It is the opportunity for the producer to see the application of that technology on the ground”, explains Jordão, who in addition to being a researcher is also director of the Franca Experimental Farm. 

The Field Day in Franca is the second in a series of three meetings promoted by the Procafé Foundation. The first took place on April 10th in Boa Esperança/MG and the third is scheduled for May 22nd and 23rd, in Varginha/MG.

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