Research will measure greenhouse gas emissions in the production of table grapes in the São Francisco Valley
The objective is to guide practices that mitigate emissions and support public policies related to the production of low-carbon grapes
Group that brings together researchers from Unicamp, Embrapa and Federal Technological University of Paraná obtained more than 90% accuracy in discriminating between samples from different producers and Brazilian states
Studies coordinated by Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura aim to carry out and coordinate research to increase production and productivity, and improve the quality of products
Embrapa focuses on research networks to generate sustainable solutions to increase soybean production, reduce production costs, CO2 emissions related to its production and increase producers' income
Conducted by Unifesp, research shows that in the last 40 years, the occurrence of extreme temperature events has almost doubled on the coast of SP (84%), doubled in RS (100%) and almost tripled in ES (188%)
A team of 20 negotiators from America were in Colombia from April 17 to 20 to discuss the elements of the decision of COP 27 - Conference of the Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)