citrus Fundecitrus promotes event on greening management strategies The moderation will be done by the general manager of Fundecitrus, Juliano Ayres 03.08.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
citrus External actions already result in a reduction in greening External greening control is based on acting on inoculum sources located outside commercial orchards 31.07.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
citrus 2019/20 harvest had the highest citrus fruit drop rate The drop rate of 17,63% recorded in the 2019/20 harvest is the highest ever measured by Fundecitrus 16.07.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
citrus Selection process for MasterCitrus class is temporarily suspended Candidates can register interest and will be notified when registration opens. 03.07.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Diseases Fundecitrus starts sending daily floral rot risk alerts The Floral Rot Prediction System, which calculates the risks of the disease, can be accessed online 30.06.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Southwest maintains greater productivity in the citrus belt Average productivity in the 2020/21 orange harvest in the citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro is estimated at 790 boxes per hectare 26.06.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
United States USDA reestimates Florida's 2019/20 crop at 69,7 million boxes A 1% reduction compared to the previous estimate, from April 13.05.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus SP and MG will produce 287,76 million boxes of oranges in the 2020/21 harvest The drop of 25,6% compared to the previous season is due to the lower nutritional reserves of plants and unfavorable weather conditions 11.05.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Pesticides ProteCitrus is updated with eight new products New product to control greening contains an active ingredient that was not on the list: cyantraniliprole 16.04.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Annual survey of greening, citrus canker and CVC began this week The last disease survey, from 2019, found greening in 19,02% of orange trees in the citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro 08.04.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Monitoring allows better control of ferrets Monitoring adult moths, using delta traps containing ferret pheromone, prevents eggs from being deposited in fruits and causing caterpillars to hatch. 02.04.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
citrus Basf joins the Citrus Grower Friendly Companies In addition to Basf, the other Citrus Grower Friendly Companies are: Bayer, Cocamar, Firmenich, FMC, Ihara, Koppert, Syngenta and UPL 19.03.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus International Workshop on Mechanized Citrus Harvesting is postponed More than 500 participants have already registered and everyone's registration is guaranteed 09.03.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Diseases Citrus canker has extended critical period of control Therefore, citrus growers must pay attention to the use of copper until the fruits reach 50 millimeters in diameter 06.03.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Harvest Fundecitrus promotes workshop on mechanized citrus harvesting Vacancies are limited 26.02.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus PES team begins work to estimate the 2020/21 harvest Using statistical work, the combination of previous data makes it possible to estimate the harvest, with what should be harvested by sector, variety and age of trees 20.01.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Plant health Fundecitrus launches ProteCitrus, which brings updated products authorized for phytosanitary control Model replaces PIC List and elevates status to voluntary program to protect citrus crops 20.12.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus External actions to control greening reduce the capture of psyllids on farms On farms in the citrus belt it is possible to observe the results of actions around commercial orchards 12.12.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus 2019/20 orange harvest in SP and MG is reestimated at 385,31 million boxes Number is less than 1% lower than previous projections, from May and September 2019 10.12.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Diseases Fundecitrus recommends control of black spot and citrus canker in fruiting Recommendations ensure application efficiency 27.11.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Fruits MasterCitrus promotes class on sustainability in citrus farming For Fundecitrus researcher and MasterCitrus coordinator Franklin Behlau, the course, as well as the institution, is increasingly absorbing this demand 25.11.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Fundecitrus research contributes to sustainable management of citrus canker The dose and volume of copper syrup were optimized to avoid waste and minimize the impact on the environment 20.11.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus 1st FundecitrusTech Workshop receives registrations for waiting list Event will present tools and technological solutions available and under development for the citrus sector 07.11.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Event Fundecitrus promotes 1st FundecitrusTech Workshop Event presents technological tools and solutions for citrus farming 31.10.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Fundecitrus Diagnostic Laboratory achieves 100 thousand greening tests Tests were carried out for citrus growers from August 2004 to August 2019 25.10.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Sustainable greening management events in Duartina and Aguaí (SP) The events discuss the incidence of greening in the region and measures to keep the disease under control 18.10.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Fundecitrus hosts meeting to discuss updating greening legislation The meeting was attended by representatives from Embrapa and phytosanitary defense agencies from SP, MG, PR, BA and MS 11.10.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
fundecitrus Employment generation in citrus growing 9,46% in 2019 Sector was responsible for 48.196 admissions, which represents 26,17% of jobs created in the State of São Paulo and 7,48% of the Brazilian total 03.02.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)