Fx Market Exports of agribusiness products registered US$ 9,9 billion in February In the year to date, foreign agricultural sales reached a record for the first two months 14.03.2023 | 15:49 (UTC -3)
Fx Market Brazil's coffee exports fall 33% in February With a more attractive external spot market and less availability in the Brazilian off-season, the scenario impacts performance in the two months and could last until the arrival of the 2023 harvest 13.03.2023 | 13:57 (UTC -3)
Fx Market Map enables over 90 companies to export corn to China The number of Brazilian companies qualified to export corn to the Asian country rises to 446 03.03.2023 | 14:26 (UTC -3)
Fx Market Annual United States Agriculture Forum predicts increase in Brazilian exports Globally recognized event, Outlook Forum 2023 highlights corn and soybean shipments in the next decade 28.02.2023 | 15:40 (UTC -3)
Nuts CNA study shows opportunities for Brazilian nuts in Southeast Asia India and Vietnam stand out for the high consumption of the population and growing dependence on nut imports 27.02.2023 | 14:19 (UTC -3)
Export Sugar movement returns to prominence at the Port of Santos in January Performance of sugar and corn contributed to the second best result for the month of January in cargo movement 24.02.2023 | 15:57 (UTC -3)
Export Corn exports reach record 6,17 million tons Volume is 126% higher than the same period last year, when the country exported 2,73 million of the cereal 23.02.2023 | 14:06 (UTC -3)
Peanut European Union announces the withdrawal of the requirement for official certification for the entry of Brazilian peanuts Measure represents greater agility in export procedures and adds value to Brazilian products on the international market 30.01.2023 | 13:48 (UTC -3)
hug Abrapa and Apex reinforce work purpose for the expansion of Brazilian cotton exports Initiative was launched in December 2020 and aims to strengthen the image and disseminate national fiber, in priority markets, especially in Asia 27.01.2023 | 13:50 (UTC -3)
Café Instant coffee exports fall in volume, but have record revenue in 2022 Level of shipments was impacted by high raw material prices, war between Russia and Ukraine, global economic scenario and bottlenecks and high logistics costs 25.01.2023 | 14:16 (UTC -3)
Export Agricultural exports break record in 2022 CNA analyzed official foreign trade data 20.01.2023 | 17:04 (UTC -3)
Export Agricultural products increase in value by 19% abroad Credited to global demand for commodities and global inflation, appreciation allowed exporters to offset increases in inputs and fuels and even expand margins 20.01.2023 | 13:47 (UTC -3)
citrus Increase in orange juice exports Shipments grew 17,19% from July to December 2022, a period that marks the first half of the 2022/2023 harvest 18.01.2023 | 14:08 (UTC -3)
Export CNA holds seminar on fruit exports Training was carried out within the Agro.BR Program actions on Tuesday (04/04), in Juazeiro (BA) 05.04.2023 | 14:46 (UTC -3)
Export Orange juice sector celebrates progress in Foreign Trade “Tax Reform” in the Chamber of Deputies MP 1152/22 adapts Brazilian standards to international practices and prepares the country for entry into the OECD 31.03.2023 | 14:07 (UTC -3)
Export Port of Paranaguá has new option for grain classification Classification is a quality control process for grain loads destined for export 29.03.2023 | 13:59 (UTC -3)
Abapa Apex-Brasil and IEL launch Specialized Cotton Center at Abapa CT Program focuses on safety and planning in cotton exports 24.03.2023 | 13:59 (UTC -3)
Export With a movement of 10,9 million tons of cargo, the Port of Santos recorded the second best mark for the period in February The result was only below the historical record achieved in February 2022 24.03.2023 | 13:42 (UTC -3)
Export CNA talks about opening new markets for fruit growing Brazil is the third largest fruit producer, but still represents a small portion of the foreign market, with less than 1% of the global fruit market 03.03.2023 | 14:23 (UTC -3)
Fx Market Copercampos exports wheat seeds to Angola This is the first time that the cooperative will export the cereal to the African country 28.02.2023 | 14:03 (UTC -3)
Export Exports of agribusiness products exceed US$ 10 billion in January The value of the sector's foreign sales in the first month of the new government is a record for the entire historical series for the months of January 17.02.2023 | 14:11 (UTC -3)
Ethanol Corn ethanol will impact cereal exports in this second harvest In Mato Grosso do Sul, two plants are expected to demand 30% of the state harvest 16.02.2023 | 14:59 (UTC -3)
Export CNA warns about European Union carbon adjustment mechanism Confederation says it is essential to understand how CBAM will work 31.01.2023 | 15:06 (UTC -3)
Export Corn exports in December reach the highest level for the month in the historical series In total, 6,41 million tons of cereal were exported 24.01.2023 | 17:28 (UTC -3)
Export Exports to the Arab League reach a historic record Sold at higher prices, agricultural commodities account for 71% of trade with Arab markets in 2022 20.01.2023 | 13:44 (UTC -3)
Export Agribusiness in Rio Grande do Sul exported US$ 15,6 billion in 2022 The result is 3% higher than 2021, but the volume sold was lower 17.01.2023 | 17:56 (UTC -3)
Export Agribusiness exports close 2022 with US$ 159 billion in sales International prices of agricultural commodities influenced performance 17.01.2023 | 16:53 (UTC -3)
Export Exports of part of the 2022/23 melon harvest are limited Volume exported in part of the campaign was just 127 thousand tons, a drop of 25% compared to the same period in the 2021/22 season 17.01.2023 | 15:00 (UTC -3)