Arabica coffee has updated production costs in Bahia
Technical coefficients and prices of fertilizers, pesticides, labor and agricultural machinery are some of the items researched
Panels analyzed the production of coffee, grains, vegetables, beef cattle, forestry and fish farming in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará and Santa Catarina
Price Inflation Index received by Rural Producers also declined last month; the main factor that impacted the result in production costs was the price of fertilizers
Panel that took place at the Rural Union of Penápolis had great participation from producers in the region and with a great exchange of information; final report should be out in around 20 days
Visits to update wheat costs will take place on the 29th and 30th, in the municipalities of Dois Vizinhos and Cascavel, respectively; in the case of beans, they will take place on the 27th, in the municipality of Francisco Beltrão
The corn, milk, wheat and potato chains were discussed with representatives of the producing municipalities in Paraná; update of production costs for corn, milk and cashew nuts were carried out in the municipalities of Ceará