BNDES announces another R$4,8 billion for Safra Plan programs
Bank has already approved R$27,9 billion in more than 126 thousand indirect operations in the 2024/25 harvest
BNDES announced on Wednesday (27/07) the temporary suspension of requests for financing of rural investment credit operations for the 2022/2023 agricultural year
Bank has already granted R$16,6 billion approved through the current plan to more than 65 thousand farmers; The institution also provides credit to rural producers and their cooperatives through other lines such as BNDES Rural Credit
Operations are the first supported in the new format of the Program, which reduced financing costs; Since its launch in 2021, BNDES RenovaBio has accumulated a portfolio of 12 operations and more than R$1 billion in financing
With the initiative, the Bank supports the development of a voluntary market for the sale of these securities, in addition to endorsing quality standards for conducting economic decarbonization projects