Terra Preta da Amazônia increases tree growth by up to six times
Brazilian scientists analyzed typical soil composition resulting from native management aiming at biotechnological applications for more effective restoration of degraded areas
The use of transgenic cultivars capable of expressing Bt toxins has been the safest option for controlling several species that occur in cotton crops and cause defoliation and damage to vegetative structures, with impacts on production.
Consultants and researchers highlight that caterpillar pressure on crops increases crop after crop and issue warnings to producers; Successful control consists of preventing the pest from moving into the cob
Property in the interior of São Paulo decided to transform the production of its 90 hectares of coffee plantations into a biotechnological method of soil enrichment, through the “intelligent bacteria” of Superbac fertilizers
With the use of fertilizers with intelligent bacteria, a farm in Triângulo Mineiro obtains a 5% increase in productivity and a 10% increase in the average growth of potatoes
Researchers from Rio Grande do Sul test a grape-based product that uses waste from the wine industry and can optimize the application of chemicals by reducing necessary doses
Agtech specialized in bioinputs will employ capital to accelerate the company's growth plan. With the entry of Mosaic, which operates in different countries, Gânica plans to intensify its growth plan and explore the opportunities that biotechnology provides to agribusiness
Construction of the new space expanded the company's data generation capacity by 15 times; The new laboratory layout also made it possible to generate 1 million analyzes in a single month - a monthly record
Launch of a book on the importance of biotechnology for Brazilian agriculture and the presence of the company's CEO in a panel on innovation and governance are highlights of the event
Part of the resources will be allocated to the construction of a Reference Center for research aimed at generating environmentally friendly biotechnological assets
In Brazil, agricultural biotechnology has played a crucial role in the last 40 years in increasing production, especially through productivity gains, which were greater than the expansion of cultivated areas