TMG brings HB4 technology and soybean launches to Expodireto Cotrijal 2020

Visitors will be able to learn about the HB4 transgenic soybean, tolerant to water stress, and new soybean cultivars for southern BR

27.02.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
TMG Press

From the 2nd to the 6th of March, the municipality of Não-Me-Toque, in Rio Grande do Sul, is the stage for the 21st Expodireto Cotrijal, in this edition with the theme “Businesses that inspire tomorrow”. Tropical Melhoramento e Genética (TMG) is one of the companies exhibiting at the event and will bring new cultivars and launch HB4 Technology, a transgenic trait tolerant to water stress in soybeans, from Verdeca, j between Arcadia Biosciences and Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp.

“It will be a very special moment for TMG”, highlights the company’s president, Francisco Soares, who will be present at the launch. In May 2019, TMG, responsible for trait in Brazil, it announced the completion of the deregulation process before the National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio), which allowed commercial approval, in the country, for the HB4 characteristic in soybeans. Now, the company awaits approvals from the main soybean importing countries, which are in progress, for the registration of new Brazilian cultivars with the technology.

During Expodireto, visitors will be able to see the visual difference between soybeans with HB4 Technology and soybeans without the technology, in an induced drought experiment, and understand the benefits of biotechnology with the company's technicians. “HB4 soybeans can withstand summer periods for longer and maintain a high production ceiling in this condition. The technology will give producers a unique tool to help combat the challenges of climate variability and will increase the stability of soybean production”, highlights the president.

Soybean cultivars

For this edition of Expodireto, TMG presents the cultivars with the combination Inox and Intacta RR2 PRO, TMG 7058IPRO and TMG 7260IPRO, new releases of the harvest; in addition to TMG 2165IPRO, and other cultivars, with emphasis on TMG 7061IPRO.

According to TMG's Technical Commercial Representative in Rio Grande do Sul, João Garibaldi, TMG 7058IPRO is an early cultivar, with a high production ceiling, which allows planting at the best time and has a controlled size. The TMG 7260IPRO is also an option with a high production ceiling and suitable for planting closures. TMG 7061IPRO has an aggressive root system, precocity and productive stability.

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