USDA reports record production of corn and wheat in Brazil
A prolonged period of drought in the south of the country and low profitability of farmers contribute to a drop in rice production, while corn and wheat harvests exceed expectations
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) published ordinance No. 781 in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU), on Monday (10/04), which establishes the periods of sanitary void for soybean cultivation that must be followed by the producing states across the country during 2023. In Rio Grande do Sul, the period will be from July 13th to October 10th.
The sanitary void was instituted by Mapa as one of the phytosanitary measures to control soybean rust, with at least 90 days without the crop and volunteer plants in the field. Asian rust is considered one of the most severe diseases that affect soybean crops, and can cause damage ranging from 10% to 90% of production, depending on the region.
The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation (Seapi), together with the Sector Chamber of the Soy Production Chain, will forward a new letter to the Ministry requesting the anticipation of the sanitary void and sowing period by 10 days. The first order was placed in March.
“With the anticipation of 10 days, in addition to allowing conditions conducive to sowing in advance, there is a reduction in the permanence of plants alive at the end of the cycle, which is the phase with the highest load of spores potentially resistant to fungicidal active ingredients”, highlights Ricardo Felicetti , director of the Department of Plant Defense at the Secretariat. The new period would be from 03/07/2023 to 30/09/23 for the sanitary void and from 01/10/23 to 18/02/24 for the sowing calendar.
In addition to the sanitary void, the Ministry also defined the soybean sowing calendar as a complementary phytosanitary measure to rationalize the number of fungicide applications and reduce the risks of developing resistance to the disease's causal agent.
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A prolonged period of drought in the south of the country and low profitability of farmers contribute to a drop in rice production, while corn and wheat harvests exceed expectations
Fundação MT holds the XXIII Soya Technical Meeting in Cuiabá-MT, from April 25th to 28th. The event, which already has registrations open, is a great opportunity for rural producers and professionals linked to agribusiness
IICA will be in charge of the CPBIO Technical Secretariat, made up of the main chambers, federations, associations and liquid biofuels councils in the region