Compensations to producers who took out rural insurance reach R$1,7 billion in the first half of 2021
Over the last 10 years, in updated values, the total amount compensated by insurance companies was R$15,2 billion
The seventh module of the seminar on Research and Innovation in Germplasm and Genetic Improvement at Embrapa Cerrados will be held this Friday (27/08), at 10am. The subjects covered in this edition are related to the following breeding programs: citrus, baru and dry and irrigated wheat. The lectures will be given by researchers Nilton Junqueira, Fernando Rocha and Julio Albrecht, respectively.
Interested parties can follow through the Embrapa channel on Youtube and the Embrapa Cerrados page on Facebook. The first module of this cycle of technical lectures was held on June 17th and the objective of the research institution with these meetings is to present and debate research, development and innovation actions related to the use of germplasm and genetic and plant improvement programs conducted at the Unit located in Planaltina (DF).
Service: Seminar “Research and innovation in Germplasm and Genetic Improvement at Embrapa Cerrados” – seventh module
Order date: August 27nd (Friday)
Open Hours: 10h
Location: Embrapa channel on Youtube and Embrapa Cerrados page on Facebook
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