Second period of soybean sanitary void continues until October 31st in Pará

Measure seeks to protect the territory of Pará from Asian rust and establishes 90 days without soybean cultivation for 70 municipalities

05.08.2024 | 15:10 (UTC -3)
Rosa Cardoso, Cultivar Magazine edition
Photo: Disclosure
Photo: Disclosure

The cultivation of soybeans and the presence of live plants of the species on rural properties in 70 municipalities in Pará are prohibited between August 01st and October 31st, 2024, when the second period of the soybean sanitary void in Pará is established. measure is provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture (Ordinance Mapa No. 1111/2024), and aims to protect plantations from the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, which causes Asian rust, considered one of the most severe diseases affecting soybean plantations and which can cause up to 90% crop loss.

The Agricultural Defense Agency of Pará (Adepará) works to control the disease in all soybean-producing regions in the territory. To prevent the spread of the fungus and Asian rust, state agricultural inspectors have already carried out 900 inspections in one million hectares of soybean planted area in the State. Currently, there are 1.300 registered producers in 44 municipalities served by the Adepará soybean program, and almost two thousand registered properties.

The manager of the pest program of economic importance, state agricultural inspector Maria Alice Thomaz, highlights the importance of complying with periods of sanitary emptiness in the State. “It is essential to break the fungus cycle so that it does not appear in the next harvest. Therefore, during this 90-day period there cannot be any live soybean plants in the field or on roadsides. As our state is very large and has different climates, we have 3 periods of soybean void, to maintain the health of the crop in all producing regions and thus protect and strengthen soybean farming in Pará”, she explains.

In this second period, the Void will extend over the following integration regions of the State, where soybean cultivation is present in 70 producing municipalities (Rio Guamá, Guajará, Rio Capim, Tocantins, Lago de Tucuruí and Rio Caeté)


2nd Sanitary Empty: August 01, 2024 to October 31, 2024

Check out the municipalities: Aurora do Pará, Mãe do Rio, Paragominas, Ulianópolis, Ipixuna do Pará, Nova Esperança do Piriá, Thailand, Moju, Goianésia do Pará, Jacundá, Breu Branco, Dom Eliseu, Rondon do Pará, Abel Figueiredo, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Ourém , Capitão Poço, Tomé-Açu, Novo Repartimento, Pacajá, Tucuruí, Garrafão do Norte, Bonito, Capanema, Nova Timboteua, Peixe-Boi, Primavera, Santarém Novo, Cachoeira do Piriá, Tracuateua, Viseu, Augusto Corrêa, Bragança, São Caetano of Odivelas, Vigia, Quatipuru, Salinópolis, São João de Pirabas, Magalhães Barata, Maracanã, Marapanim, São João da Ponta, Colares, Curuçá, Santa Luzia do Pará, Baião, Castanhal, Igarapé-Açu, Inhangapi, Irituia, Santa Maria do Pará, São Domingos do Capim, São Francisco do Pará, São Miguel do Guamá, Terra Alta, Abaetetuba, Igarapé-Miri, Cametá, Limoeiro do Ajuru, Mocajuba, Oeiras do Pará, Acará, Barcarena, Benevides, Bujaru, Concórdia do Pará, Marituba, Santa Bárbara do Pará, Santa Izabel do Pará and Santo Antônio do Tauá.

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