Science presents to the market a versatile potato variety suitable for frying and cooking
In the field, BRS F183 (Potira) is little susceptible to deformity and the culinary versatility of the material also helps to increase its appeal to consumers
16.11.2021 | 13:40 (UTC -3)
In the field, BRS F183 (Potira) is little susceptible to deformity and the culinary versatility of the material also helps to increase its appeal to consumers. - Photo: Arione Pereira
A new cultivar developed by Embrapa's Potato Genetic Improvement Program has characteristics that give the tubers culinary versatility. The low sugar content and 21% dry matter concentration guarantee quality for BRS F183 (Potira) to be fried or cooked. In the field, the highlight is the productive potential, which can exceed 50 tons per hectare. The launch will be online, on November 18th, at 18pm, on Embrapa's YouTube channel.
The main factors that guarantee the quality of potatoes for processing are the sugar and dry matter content, since low sugar levels prevent browning after frying and a dry matter content greater than 20% indicates high industrial yield and quality for frying. mainly in relation to texture. This is important because the acceptance of potatoes for the manufacture of pre-fried sticks depends largely on the color and texture of the final product.
“For the toothpick industry, the requirements are an elongated shape and large size; the high dry matter content, for industrial performance, in the sense of absorbing less fat, leaving it crunchy; and the low sugar content, which does not darken when frying”, reinforces the researcher at Embrapa Clima Temperado (RS) and leader of the Embrapa Potato Genetic Improvement Program, Arione Pereira.
The appearance is one of the attractions that guarantee the dual purpose of BRS F183 (Potira), mainly the smooth skin and shallow yolks, which facilitate peeling. The tubers are more intensely red on the outside (skin) and light yellow on the inside (pulp) and take longer to turn green after harvest. The format is elongated. In the field, these potatoes are little susceptible to deformities. “For the fresh market, the most important characteristic is the good appearance of the tuber. What Potira has”, says Arione.
The material’s culinary versatility also helps increase its appeal to consumers. “Although it is good for processing, it is good for frying. It also shows good cooking performance, which gives it multiple culinary uses”, explains the researcher. The highlight is obtaining fries with a crispy, dry texture and, when cooked, a firm texture (cohesive and not floury), with a very characteristic flavor. “In a salad, it keeps the cubes cut, they don’t fall apart”, he adds.
Development aligned with the demands of the production chain
BRS F183 (Potira) is the result of Embrapa's Potato Genetic Improvement Program, involving research and evaluation work at Embrapa Clima Temperado and its Canoinhas Experimental Station (EECan); and at Embrapa Hortaliças (DF). “The development of Potira is aligned with the priority demands of the Brazilian potato chain, which include varieties for industrial processing of frozen pre-fried sticks and varieties for the in natura multipurpose culinary market, with the advantage of Potira being a double variety purpose”, points out Arione.
Among the aspects considered during the material selection process are appearance of the tubers, productive potential, dry matter content and frying quality. The cultivar development process also took into account tests and validations carried out in several producing regions of the country, as well as in the frozen pre-fried sticks industry.
“Varieties with characteristics for manufacturing frozen pre-fried sticks are very important for the growth of the Brazilian industry and reducing dependence on imports, generating employment and income opportunities in the country. And varieties for the fresh market with multipurpose characteristics are very important for consumer satisfaction”, assesses the researcher.
Assessment of the production chain
BRS F183 (Potira) was also evaluated by several links in the production chain, such as Bem Brasil Alimentos, a frozen pre-fried potato industry. For Israel Nardin, production manager at Fazenda Água Santa, the evaluation was positive, mainly due to the large shape of the tubers, suitable for the industry, and the high productivity. “The cultivar has always stood out in trials due to its high production potential and tuber uniformity”, he states.
The producer from the municipality of Ibiraiaras (RS), Sérgio Zanette, evaluated the material for four harvests for comparison with other commercial varieties. “It has good quality tubers, good appearance and shape, very good skin color and, in terms of the plant’s architecture, it has stood up well, a plant with a strong stem and many roots. We had drought for two harvests and it also behaved very well. I think it has a lot of potential, especially for the market, due to the appearance and shape of the tuber,” he says.
The impressions of the producer from São Lourenço do Sul/RS, Edgar Schneider, who also evaluated the cultivar for four harvests, are similar. “Potato with beautiful skin, spectacular shape, good for any type of 'preparation'”, he adds.