Efficient management for high corn productivity is the theme of the event
Embrapa is BASF's guest for a chat with the company's team of Agricultural Solutions experts
A growing wave of innovation drives the business of Satis, a company from Minas Gerais specializing in plant-based nutrition. The brand invests in the development of research and studies to create solutions that contribute to both improving crop performance and reducing costs for the producer. Currently, an average of 45 jobs are carried out per year for this purpose. In 2021, 25 internal research studies are underway or have already been completed in its experimental field in the city of Araxá/MG and another 20 in partnership with entities such as universities and regional consultancies. In addition, there are product tests taking place in 30 different areas of Brazil.
Part of the results of this work can be found in the brand's recent launches on the market. Like Tatic, the main new feature for the 21/22 season. It is a foliar fertilizer made from copper (Cu) to strengthen the plant's natural defenses and optimize crop management. Its creation involved a battery of scientific studies that began in 2015, when the main molecule was developed together with academic researchers. Initially aimed at cereal crops, Tatic incorporates the "resistance induction" technique, which stimulates the plants' immune system against diseases and increases the efficiency of other combined products. The product is also being tested for application in segments such as vegetables, fruits, coffee and cotton.
Another recent Satis highlight created from research is Vitaphol Soymax. The product offers a strategic nutrition proposal by combining elements such as cobalt, molybdenum, zinc and amino acids in its formulation. Also applied foliarly, it guarantees greater protection to nodules on plant roots, increasing nitrogen absorption. Furthermore, it acts against phytotoxicity, when external agents interfere with plant metabolism. The product is especially suitable for soybean cultivation.
According to Satis' Innovation Manager, chemical engineer Fabrício Porto, offering new scientific and technological-based solutions to rural producers is the result of a broad culture of innovation that the company encourages daily among its group of employees and partners. . "Our focus is on creating, improving and offering products aimed at plant nutrition in crops such as grains, fruits and vegetables. Thus, we seek to align demands and opportunities identified in the field, reinforcing the brand's role in the so-called agriculture 4.0 market. This is a scenario where technology and research are the basis for optimizing the production chain in all its stages, from planting to harvesting."
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Embrapa is BASF's guest for a chat with the company's team of Agricultural Solutions experts
Analysis by the Rio Verde Foundation, Mato Grosso and Supra Pesquisa/Federal University of Paraná, reveal competitive advantages of the molecule Terbuthylazine, introduced in the country by the company Sipcam Nichino