RS 2024/25 Harvest: corn harvest reaches 8% of crops

Emater/RS highlights the impacts of climate conditions on soybeans, corn, rice and beans

09.01.2025 | 16:43 (UTC -3)
Adriane Bertoglio Rodrigues
Photo: Mario Piovesan
Photo: Mario Piovesan

Corn crops are being harvested in Rio Grande do Sul and have reached 8% of the planted crops. In the first harvested areas in some regions, there are crops with excellent results, and others with lower productivity. According to the Informative Conjuntural released today (09/01) by Emater/RS, the lack of rain affects, more intensely, corn crops in the reproductive stage, as well as planting, impacted by the lack of soil moisture. To date, 96% of the projected area with corn for this 2024/2025 Harvest has been sown, with 17% in germination and vegetative development, 11% in flowering, 30% in grain filling and 34% in maturation.

In the Emater/RS administrative region of Caxias do Sul, the weather conditions remain favorable for the development of corn crops, which are in various stages, from germination to grain filling, with areas in the reproductive phases predominating. In Campos de Cima da Serra, where 60% of the corn area destined for grain production is concentrated, the crops are flowering and grain filling. In general, the health is adequate and the plants are developing vigorously, maintaining the expectation of yield equal to or higher than at the time of planting. In the Erechim region, 78% of the areas cultivated with corn are in the grain filling phase and 5% have been harvested. Productivity is within expectations, at 9 thousand kg/ha.

In the Santa Rosa region, 62% of the corn crops are mature and 15% have been harvested. Average productivity reached 7.775 kg/ha, within expectations, considering the irrigated crops, which are developing very well. Harvesting activities have intensified in recent days, favored by the continued dry weather conditions. If the dry weather continues, average corn production in the region is expected to decrease significantly.

Corn Silage - The harvest of corn for silage was intense during the period, reaching approximately 30%. Crops in the flowering phase are being impacted by low humidity, which can affect production potential. In the areas being harvested, productivity and quality are adequate. For the 2024/2025 Harvest in the State, Emater/RS projects the cultivation of 357.311 hectares, and the average productivity is 39.457 kg/ha.

In the administrative region of Emater/RS in Frederico Westphalen, the silage corn crops benefited from the environmental conditions, which ensured excellent production potential. Around 60% of the area is being harvested, and the rest is in grain filling. The harvest of the crops is intense and shows high productivity. The current average is 43 thousand kg/ha, and there is a high concentration of grains in the silage produced, resulting in excellent quality. In the region of Santa Maria, in the early crops, the product is of good quality. However, in the flowering areas, there is still no indication that the plants will be ready for silage. The planted area reaches 75% of the predicted; the rest awaits humidity conditions for planting.

Soybean - during the period, soybean planting only progressed in regions where there was adequate soil moisture for the operation. In the Western, Northwest and Northern Borders, the lack of rain paralyzed planting activity. The reduction in moisture is already causing water stress in a significant part of the areas in the State, reducing the crop's productive potential. To date, 98% of the area planned for soybeans in RS has been planted, with 77% in germination and vegetative development, 20% in flowering and 3% of the soybean crops are in grain filling.

The health of soybean crops in RS remains satisfactory. However, in the areas monitored by the RS Rust Monitoring Program, the risk levels for the disease predominate (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) between low and medium, with the exception of some small areas. In the Santa Rosa region, spores have been recorded on the blades for a few weeks. Therefore, producers have been adding fungicides, as a preventive measure, to applications for post-emergence weed control. Even so, it is necessary to redouble attention to monitoring and controlling pests and diseases.

Rice - the crop is developing satisfactorily, with high solar radiation and good water availability from reservoirs, although in some regions there are concerns about river and dam levels. Nighttime temperatures below 15°C are unfavorable for crops in the reproductive stage. Cultural treatments are being carried out. The Rio Grande do Sul Rice Institute (Irga) projects an area of ​​948.356 hectares under cultivation. Emater/RS estimates productivity of 8.478 kg/ha.

Beans 1st harvest - The harvest of the first bean crop has progressed during the period, favored by the dry weather, reaching more than 30% of the area. The yields achieved are 1.600 kg/ha. In the administrative region of Emater/RS in Ijuí, the harvest has advanced to 48% of the area, with great variability in yield. In the irrigated areas, the productivity and quality of the grain are within expectations. In the dryland areas, the productivity of the crop was compromised by the low water volume in November. In the region of Santa Maria, 30% of the crops are in the maturation phase, and the harvest was carried out in 40% of the area. The weather in the last fortnight was not favorable for crops in flowering and grain filling, due to the very high temperatures and lack of rain. In the region of Soledade, the harvest reached 60% of the crops; 30% are in maturation and 10% in grain filling. Productivity ranges from 1.440 to 1.620 kg/ha in most crops. The harvested grain has adequate weight and quality.

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