C.Vale Summer Field Day showcases new technologies
Thirty-three companies are exhibiting machines and implements at the event
The corn harvest in Rio Grande do Sul has reached 16% of the planted area, according to data from Emater/RS. Regions such as the Western Border have shown good initial results, favored by the dry climate, while areas more affected by the lack of rain face significant losses. The planting of the second crop is compromised by low soil moisture.
In the Bagé region, 40% of crops in São Borja, the state's largest producer, have already been harvested. Irrigated areas recorded productivity between 10.200 and 10.800 kg/ha. However, dryland crops are below expectations, reaching between 4.200 and 5.400 kg/ha. In Maçambará, with 2.500 hectares planted, 15% have been harvested, with productivity of up to 10.800 kg/ha in irrigated areas. In Quaraí, late crops are suffering from the drought, with estimated losses of 20%.
In the Campanha, areas planted after Christmas have irregular stands due to lack of moisture. Only irrigated crops are advancing in their cycle. Producers hope that rains forecast for the end of January will alleviate water stress.
In Caxias do Sul, the weather conditions favored the development of crops, which are showing good vigor and phytosanitary conditions. In Erechim, the harvest reached 10%, but low prices are causing dissatisfaction among farmers. In the Frederico Westphalen region, the harvest is at 30%, with satisfactory productivity.
In the Ijuí region, 12% of the area was harvested, with average productivity of 10 kg/ha, varying between municipalities. In Santa Maria, early crops were harvested without major losses, but reproductive areas may suffer losses due to the drought. The region planted 46.457 hectares, with an expected drop in initial productivity estimated at 5.772 kg/ha.
In Santa Rosa, the harvest advanced to 39%, with an average productivity of 7.592 kg/ha. Irrigated crops maintained the expected rates, while dryland crops surprised positively. Even so, the region records average losses of 10%, with variations associated with soil, varieties and planting season.
In the Soledade region, the harvest began with only 2% of the area, but some crops in Santa Cruz do Sul had yields above 9 thousand kg/ha. The 17-day drought in November had a negative impact on some areas, leading producers to request Proagro.
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