RiceTec prepares the market for the entry of Max-Ace technology

Genetics with tolerance to the Acert herbicide for control mainly of red rice and rice grass, will be presented during the 32nd Opening of the Rice Harvest

09.02.2022 | 13:19 (UTC -3)
AgroUrbano Comunicação

The constant search for innovative cultivars and technologies to produce more, without increasing the planted area and without losses in grain quality is a permanent challenge for different crops, especially for rice producers.  

In this scenario, a new technology called Max-Ace has been gaining ground in rice fields in the south of the country. The novelty was developed by the American multinational RiceTec, which has Research Centers in Santa Maria and Capão de Leão (RS), being a global reference in the development and commercialization of hybrid rice seeds. And the location chosen for the launch of the new tool will be the 32nd Rice Harvest Opening, which takes place from February 16th to 18th, in Terras Baixas, Pelotas (RS).  

Seeds with Max-Ace technology arrive on the market after years of research and have genetics that are tolerant to ACCase inhibitor herbicide, acting to control the main grasses in rice farming, such as red rice.  

Producer Eusebio Cordeiro, from Dom Pedrito (RS), reports his experience with Max-Ace technology this harvest as a "miracle", and highlights that "it looks like a new farm" compared to the field next door. The two applications controlled resistant red rice and rice grass very well in his area, which according to him could no longer be cultivated due to the high infestation of these weeds. He believes that with the high potential hybrids and excellent grain quality from RiceTec Sementes combined with Max-Ace technology, his property's results will improve greatly.  

XP302 Max-Ace and XP739 Max-Ace

Two products with the new technology will be launched during the Opening of the 32nd Rice Harvest, from February 16 to 18, 2022 in Capão do Leão (RS). The XP302 Max-Ace and XP739 Max-Ace cultivars will be presented to the public. Currently, the technology has an installed area of ​​108 hectares in 10 areas in the state of RS, and the results are spectacular, mainly the control of red rice and rice grass resistant to ALS, as highlighted by the agronomist and business coordinator in Brazil from RiceTec Sementes, Marlon Scursone. "The results achieved so far are excellent and should revolutionize the rice farming market in Brazil. This product was developed to meet the needs of the producer, from weed control to the result in productivity, growing demands in this market", he states.  

Genetics with tolerance to the Acert herbicide

Max-Ace has genetics that are tolerant to the ACCase inhibitor herbicide, obtained through mutations, acting to control the main grasses in rice farming, such as red rice and rice grass, including genotypes resistant to other chemical groups, plants that are considered an obstacle to crop yield and which can lead to a reduction in the quality of the final product. With the new technology, the producer also has another possibility of rotating the chemical group of herbicides, high production potential and greater tolerance to diseases such as rice blast.  

"The control and tolerance results are very good, we are very happy with what we are witnessing in the field, and we are sure that this technology will greatly help producers to seek profitability, combined with sustainability", adds Scursone.  

Seeds with Max-Ace technology will be introduced commercially, for use in commercial crops, starting with the next 2021/2022 harvest.

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