PVT presents new innovations in spraying at Expodireto

Rhino Hidro 2504 with new spraying system, Rhino 4004 Multiset and Rhino Hidro 3004 are among the equipment on display

10.03.2022 | 15:49 (UTC -3)

PVT presented innovations in self-propelled spraying, new systems and solids distribution capacity at Expodireto Cotrijal. The well-known PCT, a 4x2 mechanic, was also on display at the brand's stand.
The Rhino Hidro 2504 is a machine that completes PVT's portfolio. It has a new recirculating spray system that is self-cleaning and improves application quality.

The Rhino 4004 Multiset is a multi-tool machine that allows you to replace the entire spraying system with the solids distribution system in 30 minutes. It has a 4 thousand liter spray tank and a six cubic meter solids distributor.

The Rhino Hidro 3004 has a 3300 liter tank and 32 meter boom. More details with PVT Technical Sales Coordinator, Thiago Bonora,

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