Project evaluates performance of new coffee cultivars

Action coordinated by Epamig and Embrapa Café will test the adaptability of 16 cultivars in different regions of Minas Gerais

22.12.2021 | 14:22 (UTC -3)
Mariana Vilela Penaforte de Assis

The planting of seedlings for the project to evaluate the performance of new coffee cultivars for the state of Minas Gerais began this December. The work, which involves 43 properties in the South, Southwest, West, Campo das Vertentes, Zona da Mata, Vale do Rio Doce, Vale do Jequitinhonha, North, Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba regions, seeks to identify varieties that are most suitable for different conditions climate, soil and relief.

The demonstration units, located in 41 municipalities, are part of the project conducted by the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) and Embrapa Café. The objective is to monitor the behavior of 16 coffee cultivars, under the traditional cultivation and management conditions of the areas. , to recommend the most appropriate ones based on aspects such as productivity, precocity, uniform maturation and quality, among others.

The seedlings were produced from qualified seeds selected by the project team. "We chose cultivars from the EPAMIG Genetic Improvement Program that have stood out in projects in the Cerrado Mineiro and in the South of Minas and in promising materials developed by the Institute of Rural Development (IDR) of Paraná, the Procafé Foundation and the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC)", explains EPAMIG researcher Gladyston Carvalho, project coordinator.

On each of the properties, 1600 seedlings of the 16 varieties that will be evaluated were planted. The cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 will be used as a reference for the State, in comparison with the 15 new selected materials: Catiguá MG2, MGS Paraíso 2, MGS Ametista, MGS Aranãs, H6-47-10 pl3, H29-1-8- 5 and H419 tract 21 (EPAMIG); Yellow Obatã IAC 4739 and IAC 125RN; IPR 100 and IPR 103 (IDR Paraná); Acauã Novo, Arara, Catucaí 25L and Guará (Fundação Procafé).


The producers who receive the demonstration units are committed to making the area a showcase for disseminating experiences to surrounding coffee growers. The model, based on the experience of projects in the Cerrado Mineiro regions, in partnership with the Federation of Coffee Growers, and in the South of Minas, in partnership with Cooxupé, foresees that the property owner is responsible for the cost of the crop, from cultivation to preparation of samples for sensory evaluation, after harvesting the crop. In return, they receive technological support, guidance and technical assistance from partner institutions.

Agricultural engineer Sérgio Cotrin D´Alessandro, a coffee grower in the municipality of Manhumirim, in the certified region of Matas de Minas, believes that this rapprochement with research and extension institutions is among the main benefits of the project. "We have a lack of research in the region focused on our conditions. Some of the tested cultivars are already popular in the region, but this closer monitoring, this interaction with the technical area will give us more security when choosing and investing in new species ", he says.


Researcher Gladyston Carvalho highlights that the good performance of a cultivar depends on several factors. "In the same region we can find different conditions of altitude, rainfall, temperature and more, which affect the final performance. With this project we want to arrive at more precise indications that allow the producer to compare the conditions of the property and have a more suitable option at the moment planting or crop renewal".

This is also the perception of producer Sérgio D'Alessandro, who projects advantages. "This work will provide this regionalization and help us spread our coffee farming, which is extremely qualified and focused on the quality of the drink." He also highlights the social importance of culture for the region and the participation of representative entities that work in favor of the activity and that participated in indicating the producers capable of receiving the experiments.

For the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Minas Gerais, Ana Maria Valentini, partnerships are fundamental points for carrying out this project. “In this performance assessment work, the presence of these materials from other institutions is very important. This will expand the producer's range of choice, who will be able to choose the variety best adapted to the region of the state in which the coffee plant is located and the skills of interest, for example, production of specialty coffees. With actions like this, the operational system for agriculture in Minas Gerais reiterates its commitment to quality and adding value to this product, which is one of the pillars of the Minas Gerais economy,” she states.

The project has financial support from the Café Research Consortium and the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation (Fapemig).

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