Organic copper increases coffee productivity by 2,3 bags per hectare

Micronutrient, when combined with amino acids, enhances the plant's energy reserves and favors the development of fruits and grains

16.02.2022 | 14:28 (UTC -3)
Tawany Simões
Related to plant protection, copper is essential for the coffee tree to have greater development capacity. - Photo: Disclosure
Related to plant protection, copper is essential for the coffee tree to have greater development capacity. - Photo: Disclosure

Summer marks the beginning of the expansion phase of coffee fruits and producers must pay attention to the plant's physiological needs, especially in relation to copper. During the hottest season of the year, this element is highly required by the plant organism. To meet the crop's nutritional requirements, allowing it to absorb effective amounts, a recommended solution is the use of organic copper, that is, chelated with amino acids.

According to the technical manager specialized in fruit and coffee at Alltech Crop Science, Dr. Marcos Revoredo, at this moment, the plant is developing its fruits and its vegetative branches at the same time. “Copper is related to plant protection and the process of photosynthesis and, therefore, energy generation. Therefore, it is essential for the coffee plant to have a greater capacity for development, fruit filling and grain formation”, he states.

An experiment carried out by the Procafé Foundation, with biotechnological solutions, proved that the element chelated with amino acids increases grain productivity by 2,3 bags per hectare compared to the simple application of copper salts. “Organic copper is more effective in foliar absorption. Amino acids help to reduce physiological stress and stimulate superior performance. Otherwise, there is only a protective response from copper, without adequate planting nutrition”, adds the specialist.

In addition to being related to the photosynthesis process and being a reducer of climatic and oxidative stress, copper also participates in plant respiration and is an important activator of physiological processes. Therefore, plants that receive a good supply of the micronutrient have greater productivity. “The application of organic copper generates a better formed grain, greater sieve weight and a lower percentage of stale coffees, which results in a better quality drink”, explains the technical manager.

Efficiency of organic copper

Ideal for increasing the use of copper by plants, Copper Crop is a tip from agronomist Marcos Revoredo for producers who want to enhance the performance of their crops. Alltech Crop Science's nutritional technology is a solution that combines copper and amino acids in an organic way. “The product helps the plant produce energy, improving its photosynthetic processes to maximize the formation of fruits and grains. This generates a healthier and more productive culture”, he concludes.

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