Meeting debates care when purchasing fertilizers

Live brought together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Anda

08.06.2022 | 14:38 (UTC -3)
Live brought together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Anda. - Photo: Wenderson Araujo/CNA
Live brought together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Anda. - Photo: Wenderson Araujo/CNA

The Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) promoted, on Tuesday (07/06), the live “Fertilizer Quality: what should be observed when purchasing and receiving?”.

The meeting was moderated by the CNA Agricultural Production coordinator, Maciel Silva, and was attended by the coordinator of Fertilizers, Inoculants and Correctives of the Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), Henrique Bley , and the member of the Legislation Committee of the National Association for the Diffusion of Fertilizers (Anda), Leonardo Paresqui.

Maciel highlighted the importance that the use of correctives and fertilizers has had, since the 60s and 70s, in guaranteeing economically viable levels of productivity in Brazilian crops. In corn production, for example, the estimate is a 130% increase in the national average productivity over the last 30 years.

Another point that proves the relevance of fertilizers for national agriculture is the size of movements in this segment. In 2021, it is estimated that almost 46 million tons of inputs were delivered to the market, of which 39,2 million were imported.

As an effect of this dependence, geopolitical problems currently experienced – embargoes imposed on Belarus, logistical crisis and increased freight costs and, more recently, the war between Russia and Ukraine – were reflected in the production cost spreadsheets of crops produced in the country.

For the next harvest, for example, the CNA estimates that the share of fertilizers in operating costs should exceed 30% for soybeans and, in the case of corn, could approach 45%. “With such significant relevance to guaranteeing production and due to their economic weight, guaranteeing the quality of these inputs at the time of purchase and acquisition is essential”, stated Silva.

Henrique Bley spoke about Mapa's recommendations that should be considered when purchasing and purchasing fertilizers. He also presented the Ministry's actions in monitoring, inspecting and controlling the quality of these inputs.

The Anda representative addressed the points of observation considered relevant in the marketing of fertilizers and highlighted the actions to prevent fraud in the products of associated companies.

At the end of the meeting, material prepared by CNA and Mapa was released with tips to assist producers during the purchase, receipt and use of these inputs. check out here.

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