Manual to encourage Geographical Indication is launched in SP

Registration increases profitability and competitiveness of local agricultural products

09.01.2025 | 14:21 (UTC -3)
Secretariat of Agriculture

With the aim of guiding regional agricultural producers from São Paulo to obtain recognition of Geographical Indication (GI), the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo launched a Guidance Manual, which acts as a link between the producer and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), which has the authority to carry out the final analysis and grant official recognition.

GI registration guarantees the reputation of products and services, as it certifies that a given region has natural and/or traditional vocations to produce a specific good, considering characteristics such as soil, vegetation, climate and know-how (specific knowledge about the productive culture of the region). “Products with a geographical indication are more valued in the market, as they are considered unique and this should be encouraged to generate business and income for producers in São Paulo”, highlights Guilherme Piai, Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo.

The Guidance Manual for Issuing Documents Related to Geographical Indication (GI), developed by the technical advisory team of the Agriculture Secretariat, contains a list of documents required for the application, such as dispatch models and certificates of conformity. The manual highlights, for example, the need for the producer to present the definition of the geographic area; the description of the product/service with its unique characteristics and the history and relevance based on tradition, notoriety and economic or cultural importance.

Therefore, producers from regions with products that meet the requirements must contact the Agriculture Department to receive guidance before submitting the application to INPI, increasing the chances of a successful application.

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