John Deere brings products to meet different customer profiles at Expodireto

The brand showed its range of products at the fair, including large tracked tractors, such as the 9520 rx model, as well as the 5000 line that serves small, medium and large producers.

08.03.2022 | 17:52 (UTC -3)

John Deere participates in Expodireto Cotrijal, in the municipality of Não-Me-Toque, in Rio Grande do Sul, through its dealer Verdes Vales. The brand took its range of products to the fair, including large tracked tractors, such as the 9520 rx model, in addition to the 5000 line that serves small, medium and large producers.

With a focus on technology, after sales, parts and services, the brand sought to offer solutions at the stand to meet the most varied profiles of customers visiting the fair. To find out more details about John Deere's participation in Expodireto 2022, check out the exclusive video interview with the Sales Manager at Verdes Vales - John Deere, Volnei Hilgert.

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