RTRS announces new members in 2020
Bakkavor Foods Ltd., Foyle Food Group Ltd., Koppert Biological Systems, KellyDeli, Premier Foods PLC and SOK Corporation Join the Association in Q1
The National Supply Company (Conab) is in the field in Rio Grande do Sul until March 20 to collect information about irrigated rice cultivation. The data will help update product mapping and also in studies on the use of water in rice cultivation.
The mapping work is carried out in partnership with the National Water Agency (ANA) through a Decentralized Execution Term. The field research involves technicians from the Agency and Conab carrying out data collection in the Central Region of the state and in the Campaign Region. Approximately ten municipalities will be covered. Among them, Agudo, Candelária, Santa Maria São Pedro do Sul, Bagé and Dom Pedrito.
The Rio Grandense do Arroz Institute (IRGA) is also a partner body in this work. During the action, seven Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Centers (NATEs) will be visited, where there will be a presentation of the mapping work and search for agricultural information on the respective areas covered by each center visited.
Click here to access the agricultural mapping area on the Conab Portal.
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