Embrapa opens registrations for second online seed and seedling production course
New training will be held between June 15th and 26th
The pace of implementation of canola cultivation in the regions of Ijuí and Santa Rosa is intense. According to the Conjunctural Information, released by Emater/RS-Ascar last Wednesday, in partnership with the State Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development (Seapdr), in the Ijuí region, crops present emergency uniformity; in the most advanced ones, there is a good stage of vegetative development (between two and four leaves) and a good stand. In Santa Rosa, canola planting already covers 13.600 hectares. The first sown crops have a good plant stand, making it possible to observe well-defined sowing lines.
Due to less sunny conditions, there was no major advance in canola growth. High humidity worries producers, given the possible occurrence of diseases, especially in lower locations. As soon as the weather conditions are favorable, nitrogen fertilizer will be applied in some areas. The average price of canola in the Emater/RS-Ascar de Ijuí region is R$87,50; in Santa Rosa, R$ 93,90/sc.
In wheat, the week saw the expansion of planting areas in the regions of Frederico Westphalen, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Erechim, Bagé, Ijuí, Pelotas and Soledade. In the Emater/RS-Ascar regions of Caxias do Sul and Passo Fundo, intense preparation of the areas continues. In Caxias do Sul, producers in Campos de Cima da Serra are desiccating cover crops, sown shortly after the soybean harvest, to sow wheat in the period between June 20th and July 10th. In Passo Fundo, producers complete the preparation of the first planting areas, which begins on June 10th and continues until July 10th. There is a prospect of expanding the area by 30% compared to the last harvest.
In the Frederico Westphalen region, the areas sown with wheat are in germination and vegetative development; The prospect of favorable weather and good prices has maintained the trend of a 15% increase in the planted area compared to 2019. In Santa Maria, the planting area is increasing due to favorable soil moisture conditions. The crops are germinating and beginning vegetative development. In the Santa Rosa Region, favorable conditions allowed planting to advance, which now reaches 142 thousand hectares. The crops have an excellent stand, good germination and excellent initial development. In Bagé, favorable weather conditions and soil moisture allowed the West Frontier to intensify sowing and start it in the Campaign, reaching 12 thousand hectares. In the Ijuí region, wheat sowing occurs at a slow pace due to the humidity in the soil. In general, the crops implemented have excellent initial establishment, uniform emergence, rapid growth and low incidence of pests and diseases. In the regions of Erechim and Pelotas, planting began, signaling an increase in area compared to the previous harvest. In the Soledade region, the planted areas already reach 13,5 thousand hectares and show good initial development, favored by the return of soil moisture with the precipitation that occurred during the week and good solar radiation.
Barley - In the regions of Erechim and Ijuí, the culture is being implemented. In Erechim, it reached 1.350 hectares. The prospect of an increase in the planted area depends on contracts between producers and the brewing company. In Ijuí, the crop is sown in municipalities where producers have experience with the crop, and in which cereal companies and/or cooperatives have promotion programs and receive the product. The implanted area already reaches 1.540 hectares, and the crops show satisfactory initial establishment and good health.
White oats - In the Emater/RS-Ascar de Ijuí Region, the crop has finished sowing, meeting the guidelines for the period recommended in climate risk zoning. All crops are emerged, with satisfactory initial establishment, uniform size and number of plants and rapid development.
In most regions of the State, high soil humidity prevailed due to the rains that occurred, delaying the completion of the harvest, which already reaches 98%. Requests for Proagro inspections continue to occur in crops that use the rural credit policy in the State. Until Tuesday (09/06), technicians from Emater/RS-Ascar carried out 6.549 Proagro inspections on corn crops. In total, 18.506 inspections have been carried out since December 01, 2019, due to the damage caused by the drought.
In the administrative region of Ijuí, the last areas of corn are slowly evolving in their physiological stages, a fact associated with the decrease in temperatures and the period of sunshine. The grains have high humidity, making harvesting difficult. In Pelotas, the corn harvest for silage is complete. Many of the corn areas that were used for grains were used to make silage, which is of inferior quality and has very low yields. Average productivity reached 10.857 kilos per hectare.
In the Ijuí region, the week was characterized by waiting for the weather to improve to complete the harvest, which has not yet been completed. The average yield has remained at 1.340 kilos per hectare. At Frederico Westphalen, the harvest reached 95% of the planted area, with a productivity of 1.110 kilos per hectare. Maturing crops appear uneven and have impaired grain formation.
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