Free registrations open for planting, care and basic principles of Agrosintropy

Course will be taught this Saturday (06/04) during Agroforestry Field Day at Florata Cultural Park, in Santo Antônio de Goiás. There are 30 places available, register

05.08.2022 | 14:28 (UTC -3)
Felipe Fernandes

Agroforestry is a line of agriculture that uses nature as a reference by combining agricultural and tree crops in the same location and brings benefits that contribute to food production and the recovery of degraded areas. Developed by Swiss researcher and farmer Ernst Götsch, the technique was introduced into practice in Brazil in 1980, in Bahia, and continues to exist today. 

Goiás is a state that has a reference in this line of production. In Santo Antônio do Descoberto, 27 km from the capital, the Florata Cultural Park begins planting the third cycle of its agroforestry this Saturday, August 6th, an opportunity in which a free course will be given to the public who wish to understand more about the techniques of cultivation. There are still vacancies.

In Florata Cultural Park, agroforestry aims to reforest an old pasture area, now degraded. While native trees grow, food production occurs simultaneously due to intercropped planting. With the third cycle, a ton of food will be removed from the area per month. They are harvested by local residents and donated to Santo Antônio charities.

The Saturday course will take place during a Field Day, when native seedlings, fruit trees and vegetables will be planted in a new area of ​​4.000 m², the third cycle. The instructors will be Murilo Arantes, biologist and master in Ecology and Environment, and Ricardo Pagliarini, Agroforestry technician in the implementation and supervision of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) and Organic Horticulture.  

In addition to receiving information about the planting of seedlings, branches and seeds in the agroforestry implemented on site, it will be possible to view the technique in various stages of production, since the first cycle was planted in 2017 - there are already 1700 trees planted and 30 species of vegetables - and another in 2019, with 350 trees planted and 30 species of vegetables

Agroforestry does not only work in the countryside, but can also be replicated in small spaces, such as the backyard, by those who wish to consume food produced at home. The variety of cultivation can exceed 50 species, including vegetables, such as lettuce, arugula, watercress, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, etc. The food produced is organic, certified by the International Organic Organization (OIA).

According to Márcia Mesquita, architect and one of the event organizers, the course will be free and open to the public. “Anyone who is interested and likes planting can participate. During the course, they will learn the techniques of agroforestry planting in practice.”

Encouraging sustainable practices

Biapó Urbanismo is responsible for creating the Florata Cultural Park, currently managed by Elysium. Opened in 2018, the space is open to the public. In addition to implementing the park with agroforestry, the company is also implementing the Florata Condominium next door, with farms in a closed residential system. Farm owners are encouraged, through courses that will take place on Saturday, to reproduce this planting model in their private areas.

Florata Park offers around 265 thousand square meters that are destined for the legal reserve area where there are ecological trails that allow the public greater contact with nature. In the other more than 100 thousand square meters there are agroforests, beautiful sculptures along its walking trail and pergolas for local contemplation. 

The Florata condominium, which is next door, has a security system with pedestrian and vehicle access concierge, armed security with motorized patrol, which gives the place peace of mind for residents, in its internal green streets, playgrounds, track walking paths, gym stations, as well as lots and lots of greenery. 


Agroforestry Field Day with free course

Order date: 06 / 08 (Saturday) 

Open Hours: From 08 pm

Location: Florata Condominium - Santo Antônio de Goiás - entrance after Embrapa Arroz e Feijão headquarters

Free registration with limited places:

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