Field day presents new agricultural research center in northern RS

Ágora - Research and Dissemination of Agricultural Technology is located between the cities of Passo Fundo and Coxilha

25.02.2022 | 13:47 (UTC -3)
Marianna Rebelatto

In Ancient Greece, agoras were one of the most important spaces in society. In them, assemblies took place to discuss issues related to justice, public works, agriculture, and everything that involved the life of the community.

In reference to this very relevant space, Ágora - Research and Diffusion of Agricultural Technology emerged with the aim of being a center for exchanging ideas and producing knowledge regarding agriculture.

Strategically located on the banks of the Transbrasiliana Highway (BR 153), between Passo Fundo and Coxilha, in an area of ​​124 hectares, Ágora was created with the aim of being a reference research station for agriculture.

Currently, it brings together the following research institutions: Agro Cerati, Intagro (Eng. Agr. Dr. Maurício Pasini), Plantaconhecimento/ha (Eng. Agr. Dr. Lucas Navarini) and Up.Herb (Eng. Agr. Dr. Mauro Rizzardi).

Anyone interested in getting to know the area and observing the protocols conducted during this summer harvest can participate in Tecnoday promoted by Agro Cerati. The event takes place on March 04th at 8:30 am.

TecnoDay Agro Cerati

Order date: March 04th, 2022

Open Hours: 8h 30min

Location: Ágora - Research and Dissemination of Agricultural Technology, Rodovia Transbrasiliana (BR 153)

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