Letícia Coral takes on LATAM market intelligence at BASF
The agronomist worked at CTC, Corteva and Dow
The Field Day of the AgroBrasília Soybean Cultivar Competition is an event marked on the Fair's calendar. The trial is an opportunity for farmers to evaluate the productive potential of cultivars, in addition to observing the quality of root development and the genetic variety of the seeds.
This edition, promoted by the Agricultural Cooperative of the Federal District Region (Coopa-DF), took place last Friday, February 17th, and had the support of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the Federal District (Emater-DF ). In total, there are 24 participating companies with 75 materials on display.
José Guilherme Brenner, president of Coopa-DF, highlighted the relevance of the event and spoke about expectations for the results of the competition. “It is a competition between producers and they wait a long time for this result to know what they will plant in the next harvest. Also, what happens here, companies end up using as marketing for the Fair”, he explained.
The Agronomist from Coopa-DF, Lafayette Machado, detailed some of the main new developments that visitors were able to follow up close. “We brought new events to control caterpillars and herbicides and to control resistant weeds and more productivity. Everything that is relevant to new cultivars and the new harvest is included in this essay,” he detailed.
Metos, an Austrian company with 40 years of experience abroad and 10 years in Brazil, participated for the first time in Field Day, installing a meteorological station to monitor the 15 hectares of crops that were planted for the Cultivar Competition.
“We formed a partnership with Coopa-DF to carry out climate monitoring of the planting. We have installed our equipment and we will have all the data compiled since November 9th, comparing whether it was a good year or a bad year of rain, all based on the information that the equipment offers us”, explained Luís Rodrigues, Commercial Coordinator at Metos Brasil .
The Cultivar Competition is a great opportunity for rural producers who already grow soybeans and even for those who wish to enter the activity, as is the case of Caio Lucius, a rural producer in the PAD-DF region.
“I used to work in fruit farming and today I’m going into soybeans. I came to see this space which is great, very well structured, with many varieties, many qualities and I am choosing which of these cultivars I will plant this year”, emphasized Lucius.
Disegna also praised the event promoted by Coopa-DF. “Participating in such a Field Day, with many varieties and all cycles, for us producers, this means a lot”, congratulated Disegna.
The field day is sponsored by the companies Bayer, Dimiagro, Equilíbrio, HNS Máquinas, Koppert, Sicoob Credibrasília and Vegetal.
The following companies also participated in the Cultivar Competition: Araguaia, Basf (Credenz), Basf S/A (Soytech Sementes), Bayer, Cordius, Corteva, Dimiagro, Dois Marcos Sementes, Embrapa, Equilíbrio, FTS Sementes S/A, GMS, Golden Harvest, Inquima, Koopert, Nidera Sementes, Nutrien, Polli Fertilizados, Syngenta, and Triunfo Sementes.
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