Agricultural water needs will increase no matter what is done
Even without livestock, crop irrigation needs will continue to grow due to increasing droughts
In this winter harvest, the area cultivated with wheat in Rio Grande do Sul is 1.458.026 hectares, and productivity is estimated at 4.680.780 tons, according to data from Emater/RS-Ascar. These numbers place our state, alongside Paraná, among the largest wheat producers in the country.
Despite being a traditional and representative crop in southern Brazil, wheat cultivation is still a challenge for rural producers. Weather conditions, the incidence of pests, diseases and weeds are obstacles to ensuring grain productivity and quality.
Aiming to clarify some of the main doubts of wheat farmers, the Agris Institute is promoting a Field Day on October 28th in Passo Fundo. The objective is to bring technicians and producers closer to the information generated by the institution's researchers, which focuses on the management of diseases and weeds in large crops. The event will feature names such as Eng. Agr.ª Dr.ª Ana Paula Rockenbach, Eng. Agr. Ph.D. Erlei Melo Reis and Eng. Agr. Matthew Zanatta.
Wheat Field Day Instituto Agris
Order date: October 28th, 2022
Open Hours: 13 hour and 30 minutes
Location: Instituto Agris Experimental Station – RS 324, Km 169 – Passo Fundo/RS
Inscrição: link available
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Even without livestock, crop irrigation needs will continue to grow due to increasing droughts
According to the president of the CNA Cereals, Fibers and Oilseeds Commission, Ricardo Arioli, sorghum is an interesting option for the off-season, especially where the planting window is not favorable for corn cultivation.