Events point out scenarios for wheat in Brazil

The National Wheat Forum and the 15th Meeting of the Brazilian Wheat and Triticale Research Commission take place next week in Brasília

22.06.2022 | 15:01 (UTC -3)
Joseani Antunes

Trends, challenges and opportunities in the production and commercialization of wheat will be the focus of debates on the 28th, 29th and 30th during the National Wheat Forum and the 15th Meeting of the Brazilian Wheat and Triticale Research Commission. The Brasil 21 Complex Events Center, in Brasília, DF, will bring together the main wheat players in the country in the scientific, political, agro-industrial and marketing spheres. The promotion is from Embrapa and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

The National Wheat Forum program takes place on 28/06 and has three panels: Scenarios in the production of biofuels; Winter cereals in emerging markets; is Expansion of tropical wheat.

The event will feature speakers and debaters from BSBios, Conab, AMPLA, ABPA, NK Nutrição Animal, JBS, Abitrigo, Embrapa and the International Center for Wheat and Corn Improvement (CIMMYT). To close the Forum's program, there will be a lecture on Tropicalization of Wheat, with the President of Embrapa Celso Moretti.

On the 29th and 30th, the program for the 15th Meeting of the Brazilian Wheat and Triticale Research Commission begins with the panel Opportunities for expansion with winter cereals, bringing the success story in Southern Brazil: Operation 365 (CCGL Tec); harvest assessment in the different wheat-growing regions (CCGL, Ocepar and Atriemg); and the results of research on gains from the inclusion of winter cereals in annual crops (Embrapa Soja).

In this edition, the Research Meeting will highlight lectures at the opening of each subcommittee. See which topics should guide the discussions:

- In the Phytopathology and Entomology Subcommittee, the topic will be advances in science to control blast, a fungal disease that threatens wheat production around the world. Furthermore, pest monitoring networks in winter cereals. Participating in the presentations are researchers from CIMMYT (Mexico), Biotrigo Genética, Embrapa, UFU, Fundação ABC and UFV.

- The Subcommittee on Improvement, Industrial Suitability and Seeds will discuss the use of a mix of wheat cultivars for grain production, in addition to the presentation of new wheat and triticale cultivars and the extension of cultivation indications in new regions. Embrapa Trigo, FAPA/Agrária and the University of Kansas (USA) participate in the presentations.

- The Ecology, Physiology and Cultural Practices subcommittees were grouped together; Soils and Plant Nutrition; and Technology Transfer and Socioeconomics. The main talk will be Trigo BRS 264, the productivity record in the Cerrado. CCGL Tec and Embrapa will be coordinated.

The general coordination of the National Wheat Forum is in charge of the General Chief of Embrapa Wheat Jorge Lemainski and the coordinator of the 15th Meeting of the Brazilian Wheat and Triticale Research Commission is the Embrapa Cerrados researcher Júlio Albrech.

See the full schedule on the website

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