Embrapa holds Soy Field Day

The event will take place on February 16th, starting at 8 am, at the Embrapa Rondônia Experimental Field in Vilhena, located on BR-364, Km 6, towards Mato Grosso

13.02.2023 | 14:34 (UTC -3)

In the year celebrating its 50th anniversary, Embrapa once again holds its traditional Soy Field Day. The event will take place on February 16th, starting at 8 am, at the Embrapa Rondônia Experimental Field in Vilhena, located on BR-364, Km 6, towards Mato Grosso. Participation in the Field Day is free and transgenic and conventional soybean cultivars will be presented, as well as information on crop management, crop-livestock and forage integration.

Embrapa Soja researcher, Rodrigo Brogin, highlights that “Field Day is a rich opportunity to exchange and update the most recent information and strengthen links between the main members of the sector”.


Soybeans are the main grain crop in the state of Rondônia, with an approximate area for the 2022/2023 harvest of around 500 thousand hectares of planted area, with an expected production of more than 1,7 million tons of grains, according to data from Conab. Soybean planting allows a good planting window for second-crop corn, with the possibility of more than 60% of the planted area.

According to Vicente Godinho, a researcher at Embrapa Rondônia, this harvest, in addition to the challenge of coexisting with Asian soybean rust, two more major problems were detected: plant breakage and pod anomalies, whose origin is still unknown and has caused major disruptions. for producers in some regions.

Realization and partnerships

Soy Field Day 2023 is organized by Embrapa Rondônia and Embrapa Soja and has several partners: Instituto Soja Livre, Vilhena City Hall, Municipal Department of Agriculture, Vilhena Rural Producers Union, Idaron, Aprosoja Rondônia, Sementes Acampo, Sementes Rotta, Copama, Biotrop, Brandt Professional Agriculture, Bello Campo, Simbiose, Sicredi and Sumitomo Chemical. 


Embrapa Soy Field Day

Order date: February 16, 2023 (Thursday)

Open Hours: from 8h

Location: Vilhena Experimental Field - BR-364, Km 6, towards Mato Grosso

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