Embrapa and Meridional launch two soybean cultivars at the Rural Show

Embrapa Soja, in partnership with Fundação Meridional, launches two new soybean cultivars tomorrow, at 14:30 p.m.

07.02.2022 | 15:48 (UTC -3)
Lebna Landgraf

Embrapa Soja, in partnership with Fundação Meridional, launches tomorrow, February 08th, at 14:30 pm, in the Embrapa Showcase at the Show Rural Coopavel, in Cascavel (PR), two new soybean cultivars, one of which is a conventional cultivar (BRS 546 ) and a transgenic RR cultivar (BRS 559RR). In addition to the launches, Embrapa Soja will be demonstrating 13 cultivars from its portfolio to serve different production systems, with emphasis on cultivars with resistance to nematodes, stink bugs (Block technology) and soybean rust (Shield). The following cultivars will be demonstrated in the Embrapa Technologies Showcase at the Rural Show: BRS 511, BRS 523, BRS 539, BRS 5601RR, BRS 5804RR, BRS 388RR, BRS 543RR, BRS 544RR, BRS 399RR and BRS 1054IPRO, BRS 1061 IPRO, BRS 1003IPRO and BRS 1057IPRO.

BRS 546 launch - BRS 546 is a highly productive conventional soybean that allows early sowing, making it possible to insert it into the succession and/or rotation system with other crops. Because it is conventional, there is domestic and international interest, including the payment of bonuses to producers. “Its other differential is its high productivity, confirmed when compared with the most productive cultivars on the market”, explains researcher Marcos Rafael Petek, from Embrapa Soja.

Regarding health, this cultivar is resistant to the main soybean diseases. It stands out for its resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita e Meloidogyne javanica), which bring economic losses in the areas affected by the problem. “Therefore, this cultivar should be an important ally for producers in the recommended region”, explains researcher Marcos Rafael Petek.

BRS 546 belongs to maturity group 6.0 and can be sown in Goiás (RECs 301, 303, 401), Mato Grosso do Sul (RECs 204 and 301), Minas Gerais (RECs 301 and 303), Paraná (RECs 102,103, 201 , 202, 204), Rio Grande do Sul (RECs 102) and Santa Catarina (RECs 102, 103).

BRS 559RR launch - BRS 559RR is a transgenic RR soybean, with tolerance to glyphosate, therefore, it can be used as a refuge in Intact soybean areas. Associated with this characteristic, it presents excellent productive potential and production stability in Paraná (RECs 102, 103, 201). “As it is precocious, in the relative maturity group 5.9, and can be sown in advance, it allows its inclusion in the rotation and/or succession system with other crops”, says Petek.

According to the researcher, the cultivar is recommended for sowing preferably between September 15th and November 25th. “This wide sowing window brings greater flexibility to producers’ planning”, highlights Petek. According to him, the cultivar can be sown in soils of medium and high fertility, using a population of 10 to 14 plants established per linear meter. “This plant density must vary depending on the sowing time, soil fertility and the altitude of the location”, says the researcher.

It also stands out for its resistance to the main soybean diseases, such as resistance to phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora soyae), very relevant disease in Paraná, and moderate resistance to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica). “Resistance to phytophthora root rot adds greater stability to grain production in Paraná, because this soil disease has been causing losses in the southern region of the country, with genetic resistance being the most efficient method for controlling this disease”, highlights Petek.

Valuing Innovation and Technology - The 22-year partnership with Fundação Meridional has already launched more than 70 soybean cultivars on the three main genetic platforms (Conventional, RR and Intacta). According to the executive manager, Ralf Udo Dengler, the institution currently has 35 collaborating companies, which produce the seeds and support the development of new varieties of soybeans, wheat and triticale from Embrapa. "These launches represent a great contribution to the current portfolio of BRS cultivars, with innovation and technology for our farmers. We will soon have much more news, with the prospect of great results from our partnership" highlights Dengler.

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