CESB advises soybean farmers to be concerned about seed quality
It is important that the producer carries out seedbed tests when he receives the seed on his farm to assess the level of emergence of each batch.
The Association of Soy and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso (Aprosoja-MT) held, this Friday (13.05), the Ctecno Parecis- Stage Milho field day, in Campo Novo do Parecis. The event was attended by around 150 participants, including producers, agronomists, students and agricultural entrepreneurs. More than one hundred corn hybrids were planted in three showcases, one sown in December, another in January and the last in February.
“Today we are reaping the results of three years of work. We know that the second harvest is important for producers and, as a result, we have carried out several studies, testing efficiency against pests and stunting, such as the corn leafhopper”, explained the vice-president of Aprosoja Mato Grosso, Lucas Costa Beber.
Among the notes observed in corn displays, the highlight is a problem that has been causing losses for many producers, which is the lack of rain during the grain filling and plant growth season. The drought reduced production in some protocols sown later.
The rural producer from Gaúcha do Norte and second East vice-president of Aprosoja-MT, Luiz Pedro Bier, highlighted the importance of the research work carried out, as some hybrid varieties are being developed better during this dry period.
“We have been observing the crops on the road and the situation is critical. Upon arriving at Ctecno Parecis, we were able to see that there are varieties that are tolerating drought much better and others that are not so resistant to the lack of rain”, observed Bier.
Another highlight was the corn leafhopper trap installed at Ctecno Parecis. Every day, the insects stick to a sticky plate and the station captures three images a day, which generate data for a system. At the end of the harvest, a survey will be made of the period with the highest incidence of pests.
For agronomist Elói Fernandez Simão, from Campo Novo do Parecis, this type of survey meets a difficulty that already exists in Mato Grosso's crops.
“The corn leafhopper, since last year, has been a pest that has been challenging us in the field. With this initiative by Ctecno Parecis, we can have better control over these stuntings in the future”, declared the agronomist.
Aprosoja Mato Grosso currently has Ctecno Parecis, in Campo Novo do Parecis (West Region), and Ctecno Araguaia, in Canarana (East Region).
With a total area of 88 hectares, it is considered the largest independent research center in Brazil. The texture of the local soil varies between 7 and 35 percent clay, intended for research that helps rural producers with areas in these conditions.
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