FMC Corporation reports revenue of US$1,04 billion in the second quarter of 2024
FMC President and CEO Pierre Brondeau highlighted the significant increase in sales volumes, especially in the United States and Brazil
The period of sanitary void for cotton cultivation in the State of São Paulo came into force today, August 1st. The measure continues until September 30th, and aims to carry out phytosanitary control of the boll weevil (anthonomus grandis). During the period, the producer must keep the area free of plants and crop residues. Action is established by Resolution No. 30/2024 of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply (SAA).
“The objective of this practice is to eliminate and efficiently control the food source for insects, consequently reducing the populations of this pest to maintain the health of the following harvest”, comments Jucileia Wagatsuma, agronomist and manager of the State Phytosanitary Surveillance Program of the Agricultural Defense Coordination (CDA).
“The measure is also in compliance with the National Cotton Boll Weevil Prevention and Control Program, established by Normative Instruction No. 44, of July 29, 2008, of the Ministry of Agriculture (Mapa)”, adds the manager.
For the cotton sanitary void to be efficient, it is important that the producer completely eliminates the crop, destroying the ratoons, paying attention to possible regrowth of the plants, since it is a perennial species that is difficult to destroy.
The cotton boll weevil is a pest with a high potential for destruction and can cause damage to different parts of the plant. The pest prefers reproductive structures, in which it pierces the flower buds for feeding and oviposition, causing them to fall. During the fruiting period, when population densities are highest, insects attack apples where they start to feed on the plant's fibers and seeds, causing great destruction and a consequent drop in productivity.
In addition to complying with the sanitary void, cotton farmers in São Paulo must be aware of the mandatory registration of cotton production areas in the Gedave system. The planting date must be informed, by the owner, tenant or occupant of any cotton-producing property title, within 15 days after the end of planting.
Just as occurred with the soybean void, Resolution SAA 30/2024 establishes that the corresponding cotton period would also be regionalized, in this case, into two regions. According to the publication, 109 municipalities must carry out sanitary emptying from September 10th to November 10th.
“The northwest region has this specificity, as it is a region where producers plant cotton after the soybean harvest and therefore, the crop remains in the field for longer, making regionalization necessary”, explains Jucileia.
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