Corn planting in RS is coming to an end
Some farmers have already completed planting the main crop and plan to supplement the estimated area in the off-season
Goiás crops are expected to deliver 136,0 thousand tons of cotton in the 2023/2024 Harvest. The volume represents a growth of 4,7% in relation to the 2022/2023 Harvest and places Goiás in fifth place in the national ranking of largest cotton producers. According to the 2nd Survey of the 2023/2024 Grain Harvest, released by the National Supply Company (Conab), the State should record an increase in the area planted with cotton in the current cycle, motivated by market stability. The estimated advance is 7,3% compared to the result of the previous cycle.
Goiás's performance contradicts the national trend, which is for a decline in cotton production in the 23/24 season. The volume drop projected by Conab is 4,1% compared to the total produced in the previous season, despite the increase in planted area (+4,2%). According to the agency, the country should produce 7,4 million tons of cotton in the current cycle.
The 2nd Survey of the 2023/2024 Grain Harvest also points to an expansion in rice and wheat production in Goiás. In the case of rice, the estimated growth is 8,1% in relation to the last harvest, reaching 88,2 thousand tons. Wheat production should reach 267,0 thousand tons, which represents almost double (+97,8%) the volume produced in the 22/23 season. Total grain production is expected to be 30,3 million tons (-7,1% compared to the result of the last cycle).
“Despite the decline compared to the last harvest, this is the second best result for agribusiness in Goiás in the historical series of this Conab survey. We are suffering the effect of El Niño, which has a major impact on crop productivity, and there are also relevant market challenges. Even so, we have good news, and we continue working, alongside the producer, to open new markets and advance further”, says the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Pedro Leonardo Rezende.
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