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This Thursday, September 2, Corteva Agriscience promoted the Colheita Farta Safra 20/21 event, an initiative developed in partnership with the National Challenge for Maximum Soy Productivity of the CESB (Brazil Soy Strategic Committee) that seeks to stimulate high productivity of soybeans and reward farmers who achieved the best results in the country.
In the “Irrigated” category, the national champion was Jussara Donato Trolle, from Caibaté, in Rio Grande do Sul, with 105,36 bags per hectare. In the “Non-Irrigated South” category, the winner was Karl Eduard Milla, from the municipality of Pinhão, in Paraná, with 114,31 sc/ha. In the “Non-Irrigated Cerrado” category, the podium went to Ernest Milla, from Baixa Grande do Ribeiro, in Piauí, with a productivity of 105,58 bags per hectare.
“Brazilian farmers have increased crop productivity every year with the use of technology and Corteva continually invests in research and innovation to offer the best solutions for soybean cultivation and support them in this challenge”, says Felipe Daltro, Leader of Marketing for Crop Protection at Corteva Agriscience for Brazil and Paraguay. To participate, producers had to register a minimum area of 10 hectares and apply solutions offered by Corteva, such as seed treatment, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides for soybean management. The productivity results of each registered area were audited by CESB.
This was the second edition of the event in an online format and featured a special initiative, the social action Colheita do Bem, with the aim of distributing food to the population that needs it most. During the awards event, each public access was donated to 1 kg of food donated to the NGO Mesa Brasil. Participants were also able to indicate their preferred state so that the one with the most votes was chosen to receive donations. Corteva will donate half a ton of food to the state of Paraná.
Colheita Farta Safra 21/22 has already been launched. For more information, simply contact the Corteva representative in the region and access: www.corteva.com.br/produtos-e-servicos/colheita-farta.
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