Multiplier Forum 2022 brings together Corteva partners and professionals
Event brought together 90 seed multipliers from the main producing regions in Brazil to discuss challenges and perspectives of the seed market
In June, Copercampos began planting demonstration fields aimed at evaluating and promoting wheat cultivation in its region of operation. This year, there will be two fields located in São José do Ouro and Ibiraiaras/RS, and another four in the municipalities of Caçador, Campo Belo do Sul, Curitibanos and Ituporanga, in Santa Catarina.
In São José do Ouro, where the cooperative has already sown the cultivars, 25 materials that are part of the portfolio of seeds sold by the cooperative will be under evaluation, in addition to new strains. Furthermore, fungicide evaluation trials were implemented.
With the fields, the technical team will evaluate the materials with the best adaptations and productivity, in order to encourage the planting of the crop.
“In many municipalities we hold events such as Summer and Winter Field Days and this year, as we have had an increase in demand for wheat cultivars for planting, we are implementing evaluation fields that will also be open to the public to promote knowledge about cultivars. which could be sown in the next harvest in these regions. This is a very important technical work that we do to pass on to associates and customers, cultivars with high productive potential and adaptation to the regional microclimate”, highlights Technical Assistance Manager Fabrício Jardim Hennigen.
During the development of the crop, Field Afternoons will be held in these municipalities in order to provide producers with information about the cultivars.
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Event brought together 90 seed multipliers from the main producing regions in Brazil to discuss challenges and perspectives of the seed market
Although the volume is a record, with the expansion of the planted area and investments in technology, the Harvest Rally confirms in the field a drop caused by adverse weather conditions