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According to the latest analysis of the Edenred Ticket Log Price Index (IPTL), a survey that consolidates the price behavior of transactions at gas stations, providing an accurate average, regular diesel and S-10 had average prices in the first half of January of R$6,23 and R$6,29, respectively. The values represent respective increases of 0,65% and 0,32% for fuels, compared to the first half of December.
“In the first half of 2025, fuel prices will continue the upward trend observed at the end of last year. As with gasoline and ethanol, the average prices of regular diesel and S-10 diesel also increased, driven by a set of economic factors, mainly the appreciation of the dollar, which makes importing inputs and fuels more expensive. Regionally, most of the country followed this upward trajectory, with the exception of the North region, where there was a 0,15% drop in the average price of S-10 diesel compared to the same period in December,” analyzes Douglas Pina, General Director of Mobility at Edenred Brasil.
In the regional analysis, the Northeast stood out with the largest increases in the comparison between the average price of the first half of January and the first half of December: 1,58% for regular diesel, which reached an average of R$6,42, and 1,11% for S-10, which reached R$6,39 at Northeastern gas stations in the first half of January. However, it was in the North that the highest regional averages were found. Regular diesel reached R$6,82 (after a 0,59% increase) and S-10 reached R$6,65 (after a 0,15% decrease). Meanwhile, the South presented the lowest prices, R$6,05 for regular diesel and R$6,11 for S-10, even after increases of 0,83% and 0,33% in the region for the respective fuels.
In the evaluation by states, the highlight of the first half of January was Acre, which recorded the highest averages for both types of diesel. After an increase of 0,39%, the common diesel reached the value of R$7,64 in the state, while the S-10, which showed an increase of 0,66%, reached R$7,63.
The lowest average price for regular diesel was recorded at gas stations in Rio Grande do Sul, at R$6,03, although the price represented an increase of 0,33% compared to the first half of December. Meanwhile, the biggest increase for the fuel, of 3,78%, occurred in Alagoas, where it was found at R$6,59, and the biggest reduction, of 2,58%, occurred in Rondônia, reaching an average of R$6,80 at the state's pumps.
The lowest price for S-10 diesel was also recorded in the South. The lowest average was found in Paraná, at R$6,10, even after a 0,33% increase in the same comparison. The largest increase, of 2,22%, occurred in Bahia, which made the fuel reach an average of R$6,45. The largest reduction occurred in Amazonas, of 1,05%, taking S-10 to R$6,59 in the first half of January.
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