Citrus growers carry out harvesting, in addition to crop practices and management
18.05.2023 | 17:05 (UTC -3)
Rejane Paludo
Citrus growers carry out harvesting, in addition to crop practices and management; Photo: Disclosure
According to the Economic Information produced and released this Thursday (18/05) by Emater/RS-Ascar, the citrus harvest is beginning in the various regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, accompanied by cultural practices and monitoring and pest and disease control. The drought affected the majority of orchards in the State, especially the early varieties.
In the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar de Bagé, the citrus harvest continues in Alegrete, Maçambará, Rosário do Sul, Santa Margarida do Sul and São Gabriel, mainly Murcott and Okitsu tangerines. Productivity was affected by the drought, but fruit quality is considered very good in terms of flavor and fruit size. The sowing of cover crops, mainly oats and ryegrass, and their management through mowing began. In addition, monitoring is being carried out for fruit flies, pointer borer and leafminer. Some areas carry out phytosanitary treatments with insecticides and fungicides, in addition to soil and foliar fertilization.
In Caxias do Sul, the week presented excellent conditions for the development of the culture. The low air humidity, constant sunlight and low temperature nights constituted an ideal scenario to prevent the emergence of pests, such as aphids and fruit flies, and the incidence of plant diseases, such as early blight. Among the cultural practices carried out at the moment, the following stand out: top dressing, sowing, mechanical management of cover crops and preventive phytosanitary treatments, mainly through the use of copper and sulfur-based products. The harvest of early cultivars is still at an early stage, but it is necessary to intensify the color of the fruit skin.
At Frederico Westphalen, the harvest of Caí and Ponkan bergamots has begun, and the fruits have good skin quality. Due to the drought, there was a reduction in the size of the fruits, but, even so, producers are managing to sell their production with good value. The Valencia and Folha Murcha orange varieties are in the fruit development and cultural treatment phase, but losses are estimated to be between 40% and 50% due to drought. Furthermore, orchards with early varieties of citrus suffer a high incidence of fruit flies and ferret insects, which have been causing losses in productivity, especially in low-technology areas.
In Porto Alegre, Caí bergamot is the variety in greatest supply at the moment, and the price is R$55,00/box. of 20 kg. Juice oranges are beginning to be sold and are of higher quality. The price for a 20-kilo box is R$30,00 for orange juice. There is still orange do Céu on offer, and the price is R$25,00/box. of 20 kg.
In Soledade, the harvest of Ponkan bergamot began, a variety highly sought after on the market. The Caí bergamot harvest also began. Navel Oranges are in the fruit ripening phase, which occurs early. In general, citrus fruits have a good fruit load, but there is a significant reduction in size due to the lack of rain during the fruiting period. Citrus growers manage fruit flies, but the high incidence of the pest in the region's orchards is causing losses in productivity.
Summer crops
Favored by dry and sunny weather conditions, harvesting resumed and reached 92% of the area, with 8% of the crops remaining in maturity.
Harvesting has resumed on most properties, reaching 87% of the cultivated area.
At the same time, producers sowed soil cover plants in areas scheduled for implementation of the 2023/2024 harvest. Already established cover crops show excellent development after rainfall.
Corn silage
During the period, silage activities were also resumed.
Due to the reduction in grain prices and the lack of food stock on dairy properties, producers are allocating grain crops to the production of silage. The harvested area still remains at 93% of crops.
The harvest reached 99% of the cultivated area and is practically complete. There remain some longer cycle crops and small marginal plots to be finalized.
Beans 1st harvest
The area cultivated in the 1st harvest in the State totaled 31.449 hectares. The final productivity estimate is 1.576 kg/ha.
Beans 2st harvest
The area destined for cultivation totals 20.127 hectares. The productivity estimate is 1.376 kg/ha.