With changes in structure, Adama in Latin America will be managed from Londrina
Steve Hawkins becomes CEO of the company; Romeu Stanguerlin takes charge of the company in Latin America
The Coffee Policy Deliberative Council (CDPC) approved, in a meeting on Thursday (04/05), the budget of R$ 6,37 billion and the distribution of resources from the Coffee Economy Defense Fund (Funcafé) for the 2023 harvest /2024. The decision will still be voted on by the National Monetary Council (CMN).
The Secretary of Agricultural Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wilson Vaz Araújo, and the Director of Commercialization, Silvio Farnese, participated in the Council meeting.
Regarding the distribution of resources for the 2023/2024 harvest, the CDPC decided to distribute the amount of R$6,37 billion, approving the amounts of R$2,35 billion for marketing financing and R$1,62 billion for costing.
It is also planned to allocate R$1,48 billion for the Coffee Acquisition Financing line (FAC), R$883 million for working capital and R$30 million for the recovery of damaged coffee plantations.
In addition to approving the resources for Funcafé, the CDPC also decided to update the Credit Limits and Repayment Deadlines for the Damaged Coffee Plants Recovery line.
Under the new rule, if the producer needs to uproot (remove a plant from the ground) the crop, he or she can contract up to R$750, with a limit of R$25 per hectare, with up to a 3-year grace period and 8 years to complete the refund. Previously, the limit per borrower was R$400, limited to R$8 per hectare.
According to CNA's technical advisor, Raquel Miranda, the extension of values and deadlines for reimbursement is an adjustment to the real costs of recovering coffee plantations and makes the line more attractive to producers.
For the president of the National Coffee Commission, Fabrício Andrade, the meeting was positive, with the effective participation of representatives from the public and private sector seeking a balance between the distribution of Funcafé resources.
“The interest and openness among participants in maintaining the structure and process in constant improvement with a view to better application of Funcafé’s resources was evident,” said Andrade.
At the Council meeting, the general coordination of Café, from the Commercialization Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, spoke about the update in the methodology for evaluating the performance of financial agents in the effective application of the resources made available.
According to CNA, this point is important as it allows for improved efficiency in the use of Funcafé resources. As it is a topic that requires greater technical analysis, updating the methodology will be discussed in extraordinary meetings of the Technical Committee of the Coffee Policy Deliberative Council.
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Steve Hawkins becomes CEO of the company; Romeu Stanguerlin takes charge of the company in Latin America
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