July 2023 was the hottest in Brazil since 1961
During the month, the country's average temperature was 1,04°C above the historical average
Capal Cooperativa Agroindustrial held face-to-face meetings over the last week in all of its 21 units to provide accounts for the year referring to the first half of 2023. In commitment to transparency, the objective of the meeting was to present to associated producers how the financial health of the cooperative in its different sectors of activity, in addition to clarifying doubts from members.
In the first half of the year, Capal's gross revenue reached R$1,983 billion. The number is 5% below the cooperative's forecast for the first six months of this year. Capal closed the period with a result of R$44,6 million. Investments total more than R$72,7 million in the first half of 2023 and include works that are underway in the units.
Adilson Roberto Fuga, executive president of Capal, pays attention to the challenges faced this year by the cooperative. “We had already anticipated this drop in revenue and results within our budget. It has been a little stronger than we had imagined. The issue of default, already noticed in some sectors, also began to appear within the cooperative. We want to continue our expansion, but now is a time for caution. We have to be very ‘down to earth’ so that no operation is put at risk.”
The president points out that the reduction was also due to the drop in the prices of commodities and inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, which are less than half the price they were being charged in 2022. “With the adjustment in market value, we have felt this in the results and revenue of the cooperative. We will close this year with levels lower than 2022”, he predicts.
The Coffee Unit, which achieved revenue of R$203 million in the first half of the year, was a highlight in the period. The number is extremely positive compared to the entire year 2022, whose revenue was R$145 million.
“We are advancing and managing to increase sales volume, and this positions Capal in a prominent position in the market. I believe we are going to end a very good year with a lot of coffee sold and very satisfactory results”, highlights the president.
The producers who participated highlighted the importance of transparency in presenting the results obtained in the first semester. “As a member of the cooperative, there is nothing better than knowing the path your cooperative is taking. It is at these meetings that we know where our money is going. Often, the money we invest comes back in double form and we are able to see the return on what we are doing”, declares producer Sérgio Augusto de Andrade, a member of Joaquim Távora/PR.
Cheese producer Leomar Martins, from Santana do Itararé/PR, highlights that he faithfully participates in the meetings. “At the biannual meetings, the cooperative member is aware of the numbers, can give their opinion, ask questions and decide. It is extremely important to take care of what is yours. I have been a member of the cooperative for 15 years and have always participated in the assemblies.”
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During the month, the country's average temperature was 1,04°C above the historical average
Strategies for the nationalization of inputs and increasing the competitiveness of the supply chain of the Brazilian agricultural machinery industry are among the highlights of the event