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Distributors have always been at the forefront, facing adversity and promoting development in the field. “This commitment to Brazilian rural producers has helped to position our country as an agricultural leader in the world”, highlighted Paulo Tiburcio, executive president of the National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Input Distributors (Andav), at the opening ceremony of the Andav Congress, which runs until August 8th, at the Transamérica Expo Center, in São Paulo.
He added that, in the last four years, the sector has experienced challenging scenarios, but at the same time it has seen a vast field of opportunities and solutions. “Distributors have in essence this ability to transform challenges into opportunities, which is why Andav more than doubled the number of associates, which reinforces how we are a united segment, which collectively seeks to strengthen agriculture”, explained Tiburcio .
The event is dealing with the central theme "Brazilian agroeconomy first: how to ensure our purpose of feeding the world", which reinforces the leadership of Brazilian agriculture in production, with sustainability, and its importance in people's lives. “Our sector seeks to share perspectives and visions, finding intelligent solutions and innovative ideas, to seize opportunities for a resilient and strengthened economy”, said Tiburcio.
José Hara, president of the Board of Directors of Andav, discussed Andav's role in monitoring the reality of distributors, observing the transformations in the sector, to contribute to the continuous advancement of the market. “Our progress is reflected in this grand event, where we will bring together dozens of experts to discuss fundamental issues for strengthening our segment. There are more than 250 brands that are presenting solutions and innovations,” he said.
In his speech, federal deputy Arnaldo Jardim highlighted the actions carried out by the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA), the active participation of Andav in favor of the growth of agribusiness and the importance of input distributors to guide, bring news and dialogue with producers , so that they advance in technology, improving their productivity and efficiency.
The executive secretary of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo, Edson Fernandes, complemented Jardim's statement, mentioning that the importance of the input distribution network will increasingly expand due to its proximity to rural producers. “Distributors play a strategic role, providing service at the right time and at the necessary moment, as the producer has a window of time to plant and harvest and cannot wait”, he highlighted. He reaffirmed the State's commitment to agriculture and the agricultural input distribution market, with programs that contribute to the development of the sector.
The former president of the Chamber of Deputies and former Minister of Defense, Aldo Rebelo, stated that the start of a new cycle of reindustrialization in Brazil necessarily involves direct connection with agribusiness, as it is the intersection and integration of agriculture and livestock with industrial segments, starting with agro-industries, the lever for the country's reindustrialization.
Guaranteeing resources for agricultural research is the pillar to ensure the continued protagonism of Brazilian agriculture at an international level, according to the general head of Embrapa Instrumentação, José Marconcini. “Without strong research there is no competitive agriculture, and what’s more, without investments in Agricultural Sciences, Brazil runs the risk of having its leadership role in several production chains threatened.”
The former Minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, said, this Tuesday (6), at the Andav 2024 Congress, that Brazil lacks an integrated strategy, which encompasses several fronts, so that, in fact, the country assumes the role of be the global guardian of food and energy security.
In his presentation, Rodrigues cited data from FAO and OECD, which indicate that the world food supply needs to increase by around 20% in the next ten years, and that, given this scenario, Brazil was urged to contribute 40% of this growth.
According to the former minister, this challenge was naturally posed to Brazil precisely because the tropical agriculture model developed in our country is the only one capable of increasing production, through yield gains and in accordance with environmental protection and climate change. “Other tropical agricultural regions in the world – sub-Saharan Africa and Southwest Asia – can also contribute, but Brazil is the protagonist.”
However, according to Rodrigues, issues related to logistics infrastructure – which has improved, but is still deficient -; agricultural policy, in particular rural insurance; search for more important trade agreements – Mercosur and the European Union, for example -; legal security, guarantee of resources for research and greater communication and interconnection between countryside and cities need to be addressed.
At the end of his presentation, Rodrigues was honored with the “Andav Recognition Award: Agricultural Personality category”, in recognition of his contributions to the evolution of modern agriculture in Brazil.
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