Agristar do Brasil's headquarters, in Santo Antônio de Posse (SP), will once again host Open Field Day 2022, the company's field day, which will be in person after two editions held online, due to the Covid-19 pandemic . The event, which will be held between the 22nd and 24th of June, the same dates as Hortitec, will bring news from the Topseed Premium and Superseed professional seed lines.
The 16th edition will be in a new cultivation area, with around 240 thousand square meters, attached to the headquarters, where visitors will be able to see in the field the launches of Pepino Robusto, Milho Doce São João and Bróccoli Ninja, from Topseed Premium; and by Ssuperseed the Tomato Saladete Sonora and Pimentão Quetzal, in addition to the results of the Evimeria tomato launched in 2021. One of the new features for this year will be the presentation in the field of the TSV line, whose portfolio was recently acquired by Agristar.
For the Marketing Manager of Agristar do Brasil, Marcos Vieira, bringing together rural producers, nurserymen, suppliers, resellers and other professionals in the sector once again at the company's headquarters is a great satisfaction. “We have a qualified technical and commercial team available to visitors to answer questions about the products and crop management. They know they will be well received and will leave the event well informed and with news to tell,” he says.
Vieira adds that, despite the impossibility of the last two editions being in person, Agristar maintained its commitment to seeking quality cultivars and showing effective results in the field in the search for greater productivity, resistance to the main pests and diseases, adaptation to different conditions climate conditions in the country, in addition to greater quality and flavor for the end consumer, and present them to the horticulture market, even online, with two editions of the virtual Open Field Day held in 2020 and 2021.
At Hortitec, Agristar will be located in Setor Azul - Stand 24. The event is 8km away from Hortitec and will have free round-trip transportation, leaving directly from the fair to the Open Field Day.
Agristar Open Field Day 2022
Order date: 22, 23, and 24 June of 2022
To find out about the event visit: