Agricultural insurance for fruits will be evaluated by Mapa

The objective is to evaluate and propose improvements to the products and services offered by insurance companies

03.09.2021 | 20:59 (UTC -3)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) will hold on September 17th (Friday), at 15pm, a videoconference of the Rural Insurance Monitor project dedicated to the third group of fruits, which includes avocado, cashew, fig, guava , soursop, lime, lemon, apple, mango, melon, strawberry and grape. The objective is to evaluate and propose improvements in the products and services offered by insurance companies, which are studying improving insurance with coverage that is more in line with the needs of producers.

To participate in the video conference, simply access the Teams platform link on the scheduled date and time:

The work is coordinated by Mapa's Risk Management Department and will have the participation of producers with the support of entities representing the sector, cooperatives, associations, input resellers, insurance companies, reinsurance companies, brokers, experts and financial institutions. 

In the case of this third group of fruits that is being evaluated in the Monitor, rural insurance had 10.841 policies subsidized by the Rural Insurance Premium Subsidy Program (PSR) in 2020, with grapes being the main highlight, representing around 83% of the total number of policies in this group, followed by apple.

“After grains, agricultural fruit insurance is the one that has grown the most in recent years in Brazil. These are producers who have a perception of climate risk and manage these risks using instruments such as insurance. The event will be an opportunity for producers and technicians to dialogue with insurance companies to understand the design of agricultural insurance products that are available on the market”, explains Mapa's Secretary of Agricultural Policy, Guilherme Bastos. For 2022, fruit producers will be able to take out rural insurance with a 40% federal subsidy, regardless of the product chosen.

Rural fruit insurance, depending on the product and insurer, protects orchards from the devaluation of fruit and loss of production caused by one or more events. The insurance offers specific coverage for each crop that may vary from named risks, in which the producer chooses the risks covered, such as frost and hail, and multi-risk coverage with coverage for different risks such as waterspouts, strong winds, cold winds, hail , excessive rain, drought, frost, excessive temperature variation, among others. 

Rural Insurance Monitor 

The project has already evaluated several types of rural insurance since July 2020, reaching more than 1.400 participants. Recordings and presentations from previous editions of Rural Insurance Monitor can be accessed here

The Monitor's schedule of videoconference events, which began in July 2020 and runs until the end of 2022, aims to identify and propose improvements in insurance services for more than 60 grain, fruit, vegetable, livestock and forestry activities , aquaculture, coffee and other crops until the end of 2021. The monitor is an opportunity for producers and cooperatives, with representative entities, to build solutions together with insurance companies and the support of Mapa. 

More information about the Monitor by email:

click here and learn more about the Rural Insurance Monitor.   

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